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Hey guy's so I am in need of some serious help, I am in my second year at western science and I've come to the realization, that I have totally screwed up the first two years. My GPA for both years are less then 3.0. After I finished first year, I promised that I would wake up in 2nd year, but I am back in the same place. I really need help, I was considering transferring to york or guelph or even trent in hopes of raising my gpa. Any suggestions?

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Switching schools may be a move in the right direction, but this may have n othing to do with the school situation per se and more to do with your work ethic, study methods (perhaps not being efficient in studying generally and specifically, not studying in the best manner consistent with your needs and ability to retain and recall information. And there is a skill in researching for a paper and writing it successfully. So, you need to analyse where the problem(s) lie and perhaps your university has the resources to help you with this.


And then there is the issue of what you are studying, whether you enjoy it and it has your interests.

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Switching schools isn't going to magically give you a 4.0. If you are getting less than 3.0 then you really can't blame subjective marking or program difficulty.


Why do you think you did poorly in the classes? Did the tested material feel foreign to you? Or were you not able to recall details? What amount of time between lectures did you spend on the classes? I know everyone is different but in my case I need atleast a 1:1 ratio excluding time spent on assignments.


In my opinion each 'type' of class also requires a different approach. You just can't prepare your self the same way for a Physiology class vs a history essay writting class. Provide some details on what you found difficult and maybe we'll find a way to help you.

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I know I definitely did not improve my work ethic because in first semester I still had the attitude, if I study, I should be able to do well. Now I really screwed up first semester really bad and ended up failing a course too. I think I have digged a huge hole, but I've been told that I have the potential from a lot of teachers in the past, but to be honest I think it's my laziness and slacking that is killing me. If I move back closer to home, I know I'll shape up, I am currently in science, I don't really feel interested in what I am learning and sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the amount of material on the exams, there have been scenarios for M/C exams where I've just randomly guessed the answers on 1/3 of the exams. I never really have to write papers or essays so that's not the problem. Another issue is especially for biology courses I might now the material for the exam, but I forget it overtime and when other students are able to connect concepts from previous courses I am not. Do you think I should start over from scratch, switch programs or just give up for med, I never hoped my life to fall apart this badly.

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The other thing is in highschool, I was doing fairly well, but I am pretty sure i was putting work at it everyday, some days in university, I do absolutely nothing. My highschool teacher told me that I was a pretty smart guy, but he warned me going out of time for uni would screw me over, cause he knew me better then I knew myself. I don't think staying away from home is a good option for me anymore, cause there are days when I sleep in and miss lectures.

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I know I definitely did not improve my work ethic because in first semester I still had the attitude, if I study, I should be able to do well. Now I really screwed up first semester really bad and ended up failing a course too. I think I have digged a huge hole, but I've been told that I have the potential from a lot of teachers in the past, but to be honest I think it's my laziness and slacking that is killing me. If I move back closer to home, I know I'll shape up, I am currently in science, I don't really feel interested in what I am learning and sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the amount of material on the exams, there have been scenarios for M/C exams where I've just randomly guessed the answers on 1/3 of the exams. I never really have to write papers or essays so that's not the problem. Another issue is especially for biology courses I might now the material for the exam, but I forget it overtime and when other students are able to connect concepts from previous courses I am not. Do you think I should start over from scratch, switch programs or just give up for med, I never hoped my life to fall apart this badly.


There's your problem. You shouldn't be majoring in science if you're not interested in. You simply won't be motivated to study for it. Choose a program that you enjoy and your marks should boost because you'll be more motivated to study for it instead of regarding it as a chore. Are there any subjects that you think you would find more interesting? Med schools don't require you to be a science major.

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Hey this is one of the scariest things I think about it to be honest, I am not really interested in anything. I hated accounting, but I love economics, but I am pretty sure most people don't enjoy what they're studying in undergrad, do you think I should just stick it out with science?

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Ok I loved law in highschool, I only really went into science cause of my parents and cause I was doing well in the classes as well. I am definitely interested in med, but I don't know what to do, like right now I am studying molecular biology and I have no idea what the hell is going on. I feel like my foundation is weak cause, I don't really remember anything from first year bio.

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Okay, I realize this is going to be harsh, but I'm giving you my honest opinion.


1. You need to get over the line of thinking, "well in high school blah blah." High School DOESN"T mean anything! I know people with 70s in high school who got 90s in University and are now in med, and people with 90s in high school who could only pull of 70s in university, eventually chose other career paths then med. The process of assessment is different in high school, it is MUCH more subjective and has no relevance to anything you are doing now.


2. Western science isn't any more difficult than comparable programs at other schools.


3. Have you taken any arts courses in university. How did you do in them? I'd maybe take a summer course in the area you are interested in pursuing and see if you can do well in that area before you commit to an entire program change.


or take a year off to get your **** together.

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please answer the following:


1) how many hours a day do you sleep?

2) how often do you "chill" - hang with friends, bf/gf, party, go clubbing etc.

3) which class (if any) do you like more than the others?

4) how badly do you want med? to me it sounds like you don't want it very much at all, rather it sounds like something you're doing cause your parents want you to.


Sometimes I sleep too much 12 hours a day, yes I know bad habit

I see my friends on campus everyday, we talk for a bit, I barely go out

I don't really see myself enjoying any courses unless I am doing well in them, if that sounds reasonable.

I want to do well, med is a career path, I am using med as a guideline so I can atleast do half decent in university.


I am just wondering with the bad marks i have for the two years should I just start over at a new school?

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Ok another thing is, I don't really keep up with the courses as they go by, I usually try to study a week ahead of the exam, I guess that is a bad habit that I should try to break. I think my high school habits are screwing me over. I know people that have done really well coming from highschool with not that great marks, but they put in a lot of effort.

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Sometimes I sleep too much 12 hours a day, yes I know bad habit

I see my friends on campus everyday, we talk for a bit, I barely go out

I don't really see myself enjoying any courses unless I am doing well in them, if that sounds reasonable.

I want to do well, med is a career path, I am using med as a guideline so I can atleast do half decent in university.


I am just wondering with the bad marks i have for the two years should I just start over at a new school?


I'm concerned for you dude. Maybe you should go talk to an academic counselor about ALL of this.


Starting over now may be a good idea. Another option is to finish a three year BSC next year and then do a second degree (should only take two more years) if you choose the right program.


You still have hope for schools like Western and Queens who base their evaluations on the best two years. You'll need to brush up on that basic first year science knowledge for the MCAT, so if you DID continue in micro you could use the summer to study for the MCAT and that should help you with your basic science knowledge.


You don't have much chance at UofT, MAC or CGPA schools.



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If i start from sketch do my marks follow me?


Schools that look at best two years will look at just that, BEST TWO YEARS.


There is no erasing your past marks for cumulative GPA schools. Although a positive upward mark trend and some AMAZING extra-curriculars have been known to overcome.




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I am considering switching into nursing, cause it would be something I am interested in. Another option is I could switch to guelph-humber for BBA, I hear it is extremely easy to do well, but would it be frowned upon cause it's a joint college-uni degree?

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Your not that low dude.


Some people mess up their first two years, come back and get into western and queens. Chin-up. You are ONLY finishing second year, you have LOTS of time. There are people who have done PHDs and have been trying to get into meds from 3rd. They are still going strong, so should you, if you want it.

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Thanks for making me feel better, I just want to add the reason why I stopped going out, is whenever I drink, I get depressed about my bad marks and I am just not in a good point in my life. I know people that have gone to do really well in uni and didn't even make honor roll, I just feel like I got in a bad cycle and really want to get out. I don't even enjoy the school I am at anymore, haven't really been able to make any close friends like back home. The other thing is I really wanted to go to western science for undergrad, the cuttoff was 87.4% for our year, I was about 2-3% above it. It was my last acceptance, do you think I went into a school that I wasn't prepared for?

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Go talk to someone about this, seriously. Way better than a forum.


Please stop comparing high school to university. High school marks aren't an indicator of anything Stop thinking about where you were in high school and focus on where you are now, and how you can get to where you want to go.

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