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Anyone in the MD-MBA for 2003?

Guest dandalex

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Guest dandalex



Basically, I just want to know who else got into the MD-MBA program for the fall...


I just feel so alone...ahahaha.


I am just impressed as to why there were only 4 people in the MD-MBA last year.




Future world leader in the field of medicine and health management...humm, I just might have read the brochure one too many times...

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there dandalex,


If you read through some of the other recent McGill threads, you'll see at least one other McGill MD/MBA-er (assuming that you're not they).


(Only 4 people in the MD/MBA last year? Any specific reason as to why you find that impressive? ;) )


Good to see that you're enjoying your prospects.




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Guest mdmba2007

Hey Alex,


4 people in the MD/MBA is about normal. I think in the last few years there's been about 3-4 MD/MBA's per year. I think you'll like the MBA year, it's a blast.


Enjoy your summer while you have one, cuz you'll be pretty busy for the next 5 years :b


I'll see you around,


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Guest dandalex

Thanks for the replies guys,


to Kristen, I was just a bit puzzled about such a small number, meaning that I would have thought that more people would be interested by such an opportunity, even if the curriculum seems a bit intensive. Maybe impressed was not the best word :rolleyes


And Mash, I hope you're right, but I am optimistic, classes seem pretty cool. Still, I might feel like a kid with all those 28 years old (average) hanging around...hopefully, they'll have more work ethics than your average 22 years old.


No summer...ah well, already been 4 years with summers classes or working on my master's...so I'll probably feel right at home.



Wondering about buying Armani grey suits with pinstrips...and suspenders...

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi dandalex,


I'm intrigued; what's your background? You mention your Masters--which type did you do? Why did you end up heading towards the MD/MBA route? Are you interested in being a physician executive? If so, in which realm? Hospital admin, the pharmaceutical industry...?




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Guest dandalex

Hi Kirsteen,


I think I like the word ''intrigued''...My friends are a bit more judgemental: ''Alex...You're totally nuts...''


Alright, making a long story long... I went to Collège Jean-de-Brebeuf and joined the International Baccalaureate, thinking I'd pave my way to med school, (since that was what the admissions officer told me...which also was the IB Program Director...talk about conflict of interests...). So I didn't get into any med school on my first try (CRC 32...even though with my IB results I could have gone to any med school in England or get into any undergrade at Harvard..GO FIGURE (slight anger here...)


So got into the new Biomed Program at UdeM, with intensive semesters and summer sessions, I finished in 2 years. Having nothing to do on my third year...and being too late for a med application, I started a non-thesis master's in Clinical Nutrition but, just before january, I saw a top researcher looking for a master's student in cardiovascular physiology...so I put the CN master's on hold and started at the Montreal Heart Institute...the guy knew I wanted Medicine and was pretty sure I'd get in, the project was supposed to be short at least manipulation wise, but the development of the techniques took longer than expected so we realized that I could not finish the project in time (also I was a one shot experiment, everything was to be time to the day), so just before summer, of joint decision, we decided that we should drop it of...(Still, I got a kick ass letter of recommandation and maid a bit of money...:)

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Guest dandalex

During that time, I interviewed at McGill...on interview day, I resaw the MD-MBA brochure but knew I was too late...still I asked the nice lady at Admissions if there was a way to join the MBA program during the course of the MD program (like when you want to do a master's or PhD, where you take 2 years off after Basic Sciences).


The MBA had always been in the back of my mind, since it's a ''passe-partout'' degree, and I always found that being a high powered executive would suit me well!!! But adding 2 years of training seemed a bit too much...B.Sc...MD..and a 4 years residence + 2 years MBA...a bit long. So just for the kick of it I asked...way past deadline...and at admissions I was greeted with a: Ah...you're interested with an MBA, would you want me to ask Dr. Beck if an interview would be possible...YEAH SURE!!!...The next week I had my interview with the MBA prof in charge of the MD-MBA.


As for what I am doing this summer, I took up my clinical nutrition master's again, and enrolled in a certificate in gerontology (study of aging) and one in Law (which came in pretty handy during my interview at UdeM.


Use for the MBA: I have no idea or to be more exact...there is too much...most plausible career plan for me would be to become a physician manager in an hospital (being a physician is still at the forefront of what I want to be) and eventually maybe drift of into the pharmaceutical industry...


Most of my career plan's are up in the air, I can do whatever I want, problem is, I want to do it all...


And please don't think I am some sort of psycho who studies all the time...that's my problem, I don't study...so I get bored to death...taking on more stuff, just alleviates the boredom...


It was long...humm, too long maybe...but it's raining again (and, like you might have guessed, I don't have anything better to do :)

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Guest dandalex

I re-read my post...lots of typing errors,


Please forgive me, I know not what I do...


Syntax seems to suck also...



Going for a Bryan Adams Impersonator Award...

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your self-assurance is striking. I hope that your expectations of self don't take too much of a hit when you start your clinical training. the staff and nurses will cut that down to size pretty quickly. modesty is a virtue. keep that in mind.




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Guest dandalex

You're right about my self-assurance, Juan...I've been told one too many times that I walk this fine line between self-assurance and arrogance...I do try to keep it down, but it's usually not my intent to try and play the big man on campus. I just grew getting brought along to any and all CMA-style seminars with all those doctors at the tables...I have my dad to thank for that. So you tend to adopt a style of speech which is innocent in itself (these guys don't seem to have to prove anything to one another) but when you speak of your accomplishments (which can be out of the norm), it can sometimes feel a bit prententious and imbued with an impression of false modesty...which is not what I aim for.


As for being cut down to size during clinical, I don't know, I usually get along pretty well with about anybody...besides, it's gonna be pretty hard to tear me to shreads...I don't know, I am the kind of guys whose been having the Merk Manual as a bedtime read.


You know, I have been born and bread to be a doctor, I now actually enjoy reading all those twenty-something med-litterature journals the get at clinic ...and my clinical training as unofficially been going on, in a way, for a couple of years (Thanks Dad!)


So thanks for looking out for me, I truly might have been one of those bookworms who study all day and all night and don't know @#%$ about anything and who got into med ( I know more than a couple...at least in the french speaking universities, so it seems pretty frequent).


I pretty much think I'll have a blast...Anyway, if they want to tear me a new one during clinicals, let them try...I wanted to join the Army to get in shape...I can handle the pressure...Bring it one!!!!:eek


I am just having a good time one this board!



P.S.: On a more serious note, I do appreciate your input and do understand the work and environment involved during clinical training. Hope I didn't sound too much ''au-dessus de mes affaires'':smokin !!!

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