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I'm really excited to be coming to U of A. My only concern is that I've heard the class is a little "young"...

can someone shed some light into how many students come into med after 2nd year and/or after 3rd year, as opposed to after an undergrad or postgrad?


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2nd years - maybe 3-5

3rd years, 20-25


I'd say the largest proportion consists of people who are 5 years out of high school. Lots of people accepted after a degree, and then the diverse crowd -all the interesting people who did more...like pharmacists, PTs, nurses, army peeps, dieticians, the artsy ones, worked in something completely unrelated before med etc.


Students are single, dating, engaged, married, have kids and anything else you can imagine.


Enough banter about the newfound reputation of U of A to be full of keeners, we're normal, fun loving students just like you would find in any other med school across Canada. Just because there has been talk of an HPF system that hasn't yet been implemented, suddenly we've become uber competitive and we aren't collegial? Please. Spend a year partying at U of A...between block parties, AMSCAR, the 3 hockey tournaments and everything else in between and I guarentee the perception would change.


OP, we'll see you in the fall at the best O-week in the country. 7 straight days of activities and parties to help you meet your new classmates!

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I'm really excited to be coming to U of A. My only concern is that I've heard the class is a little "young"...

can someone shed some light into how many students come into med after 2nd year and/or after 3rd year, as opposed to after an undergrad or postgrad?



If it makes you feel better - I'm 27, single mom to a three year old. I have a BFA in .... laugh it up... photography :P I have a number of friends in the 25+ waiting to get in, so you won't be alone.


There... I feel old. And I've demolished any anonymity I may have had - haha.

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I'm really excited to be coming to U of A. My only concern is that I've heard the class is a little "young"...

can someone shed some light into how many students come into med after 2nd year and/or after 3rd year, as opposed to after an undergrad or postgrad?



The class is generally younger than the one at U of C, that's true. But it's not like you're going to feel like a babysitter. There's going to be a LOT of 21-23 year olds, but plenty in the 25+ category too. A vast majority will have degrees.

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If it makes you feel better - I'm 27, single mom to a three year old. I have a BFA in .... laugh it up... photography :P I have a number of friends in the 25+ waiting to get in, so you won't be alone.


There... I feel old. And I've demolished any anonymity I may have had - haha.


Photography? That's so hilarious but so awesome at the same time. Mad props, I have a lot of respect for the non-trad applicants.

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