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decision to be made. mcgill / western / mac???

Guest babytiger

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Guest babytiger

hello everyone!!


well ever since i found this website, i've been reading everything!! and i absolutely love it. i think its so great ^^


anyways.. i'm in OAC. from T.O. another hopeful pre-dent. yup.


i was just wondering... since i am planning to go to med/dent (not sure) what school "you" think is better for further graduate programs in the future.


i know this sounds stupid. and i should be deciding on my own. :| but as i am doind my pros/cons list (lol) i can't really decide anymore.


i also heard that.. for mcgill med. i need to konw french. is this true? i speak NO french. yes. absolutely none. oh joy..... however mcgill is my first choice right now... western second. mcmaster - third.


i believe all of you have experienced what i'm goign through. i just need some insights, informations, and your opinions.. because you people- probably heard and experienced lot of stuff already. rrrrright?? hehe.


thanks for your time. i will be patiently wating for your replies. hehehe. :D alright. i'm out. take care

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Guest medicator007

Hey babytiger,


I've been in ur shoes... so i'll contribute what i can.


As for having to know french to study med at McGill.. the reality of the matter is that there are plenty of people in my class and upper years who know absolutely ZERO french... for the first years of school this is not a problem since all the teaching is done in english, but this may pose a problem later on when you have your own patients in clerkship because Montreal truly is a billingual city. I know many of my classmates are either taking french courses now or will do so during the summer... so I wouldnt let this be a MAJOR concern for your decision.


Hope that helps,


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I think the most important thing to consider is where you feel most comfortable. I assume you have visited all the schools, and the feeling you get when you're there should help you decide. Pick where you will be happiest since you will probably be more successful (academically) if you are happy. Although things change during your undergrad (when I started EVERYONE in science was going to be a doctor or a vet, but the reality is most either change their minds due to a physician's lifestyle or because their marks in undergrad aren't competitive enough or because they can't imagine another four years of hard core school plus residency), BUT if you do go to school in Quebec, if you're there for four years you then may be considered a resident of Quebec for the purpose of applying to medical school. This is what happened for me. I grew up in Ontario but did my Master's in Alberta and I now have dual residency (in the eyes of the med school). However, you have to be careful because some schools say you can only declare residency in one province. I am hesitant to give you this advice since it really shouldn't be a consideration in your final decision, but a benefit if you should choose to go elsewhere for the experience, especially because you may have totally differennt intentions four years from now.

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Guest babytiger

"However, you have to be careful because some schools say you can only declare residency in one province.":eek


?? would you happen to konw what these schools are??


also.. yes. hmm.i konw that most first year science students aim for med/dent/vet. its just unfortunate that only FEW actually becomes one......


approximately.. what percentage of people do actually make to the med?? i konw this will depend on many factors, but.. roughly.. i would like to have soem ideas. lol


thanks again. bye

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Guest McGill03

fox wrote: "if you do go to school in Quebec, if you're there for four years you then may be considered a resident of Quebec for the purpose of applying to medical school. "


Unfortunately, this only goes for Alberta. I'm from Ontario, did a four yr undergrad at McGill, and McGill Med STILL considers me an out-of-province applicant. You need to work (not study) in QC for one yr before you get residency.

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Guest babytiger

thanks guys for pointing things out..

err. yet im very confused.. so... i need to work in quebec to be qualified as quebec applicant?

also, the out-of-province applicant... what's the disvantage of being it?


ohoh, another question. this is for undergrad. i kown taht mcgilll have different tuition rates for quebec students and out-of-province students.. i live in ontraio... so will i be considered as outof province student for 4 years and also my med years???/



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Guest quebecboy

Hey babytiger,


In Quebec, the places reserved for OOP applicants are very small. At three of the four medical schools, you can only apply as an OOP if you come from one of the maritimes (they don't even look at your application if you come from west of Quebec), and there are only 2 places for these OOPs. McGill on the other hand accepts a few OOP applicants (you can apply from west of Quebec there), but since the number of places are more limited than those for in province applicants, the average GPA of those admitted for the OOP spots tend to be higher.

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i think that was already answered.... someone said you have to work in quebec for a year without being in school to be considered a quebec resident.

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Guest babytiger

what if i want to do 4 years undergrad at mcgill.. and wish to go back to one of the med schools in ontario??? would i be considered as out of province student??




if i am tryign to get into mcgill med/dent... would that mean that i will be considered as out of province student then too??? although i've been tehre for undergrad???


i'm very confused.. as i never thought about this up till now...... need help here.. thanks!

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if you grew up in ontario and went to high school there you won't lose your residency status as long as you can prove that you went to high school there. if you do four years of undergrad at mcgill, as someone pointed out (i don't remember who), you will not be considered a quebec resident if you apply to quebec schools for medicine. the only way you would be considered a resident of quebec is if you work there for a year without being a student. so, if you went back to ontario for med you would be considered in-province (which is really only taken into consideration at mcmaster) and if you applied to mcgill you would be considered oop.

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