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Time Needed?


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So I have a question for everyone... do you think 2 months is enough to study for the MCAT? I write mine in the middle of august and haven't really done any intense studying outside of my prep course due to other responsibilities... how long have you all been studying for and how many hours a day do you put in?

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This is a tough question to ask because everyone is different. Some people naturally excel in some areas which makes studying shorter for them. Similarly, many people struggle in other areas (e.g. verbal most often or physics) which may take longer to study especially for something like verbal where it can take weeks to months to get better at it. If you have taken the basic life science courses and have decent writing skills, 2 months should be more than enough if you use your time effectively. Personally I am re-writing for the 3rd time and I will spend about 1 month to re-learn all the material. Ideally I would have liked 2 months but I procrastinated because I was wait-listed.

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