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interview out of 4 then what?

Guest hmm

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So if everything is based on the interview stage, is there any info as to how many people achieved 4 on their interview or 3.75?


Seems kinda an odd method, because with >450 applicates, you'd think ther'd be enough people to get a score of 4 leaving those with a 3.75 out of the ball game

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I have no idea, but I guess a 4/4 on the interview means "this person is awesome, and they should be granted admission". I have been told that people with 4 and 3.75 on their interview receive admission, whereas a score of 3.5 has a very low chance of getting in.


You have to remember also, that it is IMPOSSIBLE to know how you did. Some people walk out feeling horrible and get in after the 1st round, whereas others dont get in after having perceived their interview went really well.


Hope this helps

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I have to agree with V. First your interview is granted a score of 4 and then all the 4s are arranged by GPA. So lets say 2 people got a score of 4, and 2 got a score of 3.95 (I have been told by current students that interviews go in increments of .05), then positions would be offered as follows:



1) 4.00-4.00

2) 4.00-3.9

3) 3.95-4.00

4) 3.95-3.7


I have also been told by current students that it is hard to get accepted with an interview score less than 3.75.

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