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Guest Jim2375

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Guest Jim2375

I am BC resident who was interviewed at UofO.

Am I going to be treated as the in-province students from here onwards ? My WGPA was around 3.88 and I have lots of extra-cirrculars. My interview, I thought, was very good as well. Does anyone know of my chances for getting admission this year ?

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Guest Tanya24

Hi Jim,


I think the general consensus re: Ottawa is that there is NO way to tell, so don't stress too much about it! Your stats sound great, but we're all in the same boat. And you just NEVER can tell how the interviewers perceived you. One thing I can tell you is that we're all considered equally at this point. Doesn't matter if you're OOP. Good luck to you!

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Guest UofCMeds2005

As a former accepted applicant (I went to uofc instead) - Once you get an interview at ottawa you have a fairly decent chance at getting in. Two consecutive years in a row friends of mine got in off the bad waitlist. I am not saying you are a shoe in - just that you have good odds and your stats are great.

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Guest Sil

Once you interview at Ottawa your place of recidence is not longer important. The higher WGPA is only used to reduced the number of OOP interviewed. But now you are in the same pool with everybody else. As said, once you interview at Ottawa your chances are pretty good (I would say close to 50/50).

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Guest camillefr

franco-ontario compete against quebec applicants. although the Quebec applicants have alot higher gpa cutoffs (3.6 for aylmer-hull-gatineau and 3.87 for rest of quebec), franco-ontario are the most preferred out of everyone (check the mission statement-Franco-Ontario and aboriginal are number 1 on the list of priority-gpa 3.2). the programme national is totally separate competition.

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Guest Jim2375

So, if everyone is in the same boat at this stage, arent the OOP students at an advantage since they had to have a higher WGPA to get in this pool ?

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Guest avenirv

your posting:


seems to say that the quebec franchphones do not compete with the ontario francos because the quebecers are considered "out of province". does an out of province have any chance against those from the province ? on one of others postings somebody (you?) were saying that quebecers already have 3 or 4 medical schools in frence or in quebec, so they are really hard hit by ottawa.

so, does this mean "compete" ?

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Guest Isabella Po

If you are a non-francophone:


Once you have met the OOP cut off and are granted an interview, you are in the SAME POOL as all other non-francophones, which includes people of the Ottawa region, Ontario, and OOP


Just because you made the high cutoff doesnt mean you have an advantage as admissions is based on your interview score...however, if you base your assumption on everyone having the same interview score, then yes, you are more likely to get accepted because of your high GPA...


If you are francophone and are from Ontario:


you compete with a completely seprated applicant pool....you only compete with other francophones from Ontario, and the GPA cut-off is much much lower, although the majority of those accepted have high GPA's....you have your own program in french and if you get accepted as a francophone, you must take the francophone program.....you cannot switch between the english/french program due to lack of space (according to nicole)


so I hope this helps......BUT, if you are a francophone and live in Quebec, I believe (but not 100% sure) you are considered an OOP and NOT a francophone from Ontario....if you're from Quebec, you are considere OOP and it doesnt matter if you speak french or not


Ottawa however has like 3 spots in addition to their orignal spots to allow for francophone from other provinces (CFMS?)....sorry but I dont know too much about it to give info



Hey any guys, I know how frustrating it is to nit pick over the details and calculate your chances of getting in...but there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT YOUR INTERVIEW.....what's done is done and just wait for May 30th and hope for the best.....statistics mean absolutely @#%$ because it assumes everyone is random......although you may have a 50% chance of acceptance, if you did poorly on your interivew (and the definition of poorly varies from one interviewer to another unfortunatly), your have a VERY LOW chance of getting in.....


this is my first time applying too and i used to do the number games 'till i realized its fruitless.....enjoy the 25 or so days you have left...because the waiting will never stop :)

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Guest camillefr

i will ask nicole racine. i m also a bit confused now what happens after you meet the various franco cutoffs. they told me there is no quota for quebeckers but priority goes to franco-ontarios and they take the best francos. what does that mean? the programme national is totally separate seats. so i tried to piece all this info together. all i can CONFIRM is the GPA cutoffs for francophones in 2003. it is a fact 100 percent accurate! and also the approximate number of french interviews. i should call to find out the exact number of french interviews. because quebec is opp the gpa is alot alot alot higher (in fact anglophones and francophones from quebec need exactly same gpa cutoff-it is the only province where francos and anglos are treated equally in the ottawa selection process). the reason and explanation i was given by french med students why they make it harder (in terms of gpa) for quebeckers is because quebeckers already have 3 french medical schools. pls call admissions also. now you made me curious.

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I would like to know how strict Ottawa is for the cut off. This year OOP cut off is 3.83, what if my wgpa is 3.82? Any OOP applicants whose wgpa below 3.83 got an interview? Thanks.

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Guest Isabella Po

hey dude, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the cut offs are strict...if you dont meet them, you dont get an interview...the cut offs for OOPs this year was 3.85 or 3.89 I believe (i think 3.89.....3.83 was the cut offs for inprovince)....a couple of years ago it was 3.9!

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