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Where would you put a research project?

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You could put it in medically related experience if it was medically related. But if its a project thats finished and presented, you could also put it in awards.


Could I put my thesis under both medically related AND other? Waddya think doc2B?

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I've found my research projects to be directly medically related, so I included them there. However, they also take up a good portion of my essay, where I believe its also important to include them. You could certainly stretch the meaning of 'medically related experience' though. It certainly is a weird application, but its making the best of an outdated admissions systen. Welcome to working with the Canadian healthcare system ;)

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I was thinking since biochemistry is in the Faculty of Medicine, and basic medical research is a field of medicine, this would fall under this category if I got paid for the research work or volunteered (but I wouldn't include Honours since it is neither paid work or volunteer).

But if it is medically related work, then it should also be listed under the jobs category? What do you guys/gals think?


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