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Summary of stats on french program for anglo-ontario

Guest camillefr

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Guest camillefr

I compiled for you guys a summary sheet of stats I collected on french program.


The French Program 2003 WGPA interview cutoffs (per regional category)



1)Franco-Ontario applicants-3.2

2)Programme National (francophone outside Ontario & Quebec)-3.4

3)Aylmer-Hull-Gatineau-Outaouais (Quebec)-3.6

4)Rest of Quebec-3.87


Note: Quebec is the only province really considered out of province (3.87) for the French




-There are 80-100 french interviews for 40 spots in 2003 (30 regular, 10 program national)


Source: Admission office







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Guest camillefr

-preference for franco-ontario and other provinces over quebec but no quota

-in contrast to anglophones, most french firmly accept their offer so harder to get accepted if you are on waiting list.

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Guest camillefr

-gpa cutoffs are generally lower than anglos (except quebec) but not as low as McMaster

-dont forget autobiographical sketch and interview are worth alot 2 (not just gpa)

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Guest MayFlower1



Visit the premed interview forum if you haven't already...there are tons of mock situations already started...




P.S. Great luck at your interview! When is it?

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Guest camillefr



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Posts: 18

(3/1/03 8:35:28 am)








Following the interview, preliminary rank order lists are drawn up based

on the composite scores.

Candidates with the highest interview score will be offered first in the

order of their composite score,

followed by those with the next highest interview score and so on. The

admissions committee may

take other factors into consideration when ranking each candidate.





Can anyone explain to me what the above thing means? I thought that offers

admission was based solely on the interview, but upon reading closer, it is also

based on the "composite score." What is the composite score anyway?




Registered User

Posts: 71

(3/1/03 9:28:16 am)


Re: Confused?


The composite score is 50% WGPA and 50% auto sketch. This score determines

whether you get an interview. After the interview, people will be ranked by their

interview scores. For people who get the same interview score, they will THEN be

further broken down and ranked in order of their COMPOSITE scores.


So, let's say a bunch of people get a score of "4" (the higest possible score) on their

interviews. They will then receive offers in order of their composite scores. Next on

the list, the people who get a score of "3.9" on their interview will receive offers

next in order of THEIR composite scores.


I have read conflicting threads about how interview are scored. Some say it goes in

intervals of .25 (ie. 4, 3.75, 3.5) while others claim it goes by .1 (ie. 4, 3.9, 3.8). I

don't know which to believe, but I am reasonably certain this is the gist of the

interview score-composite score ranking system.


Hope this helps. Good luck!!


Registered User

Posts: 12

(3/1/03 9:31:13 am)


Re: Confused


Hi Swimmer

I just checked that again this morning and was also a bit confused. I can tell you

that your composite score is the combination of wpga and detailed sketch score.

Beyond that, eveything is speculation. I THINK that people with the best interview

scores are given offers first, but within groups of tied interview scores, those with

the highest composite score are given offers first. That would mean that your

interview score is very important, but that your wpga and autobio details are not

tossed out, but rather are used to break ties.

Hope that helps, and I'm sure you'll get other responses from more informed people.

Good luck!



Registered User

Posts: 19

(3/1/03 9:45:00 am)


Re: Confused





There is no modification of the basic admission requirements for any

group except, based on the University’s

charter as a bilingual institution, in the case of students from under

serviced areas and francophone candidates from

Ontario. These students are invited for interviews at a GPA level of 3.2,

but go through the remainder of the selection

process as all other candidates. Final selection is based on a

composite score of the interview rating and the GPA, with 50%

of the mark from each.


i stole this from summer thread. it is appropriate here 2.

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Guest camillefr

again what i take out of the thread is preference for the franco-ontario community and

canadian francophones except quebec. i believe the francophone program would be most difficult program to gain admission if they formally opened up the program to quebeckers. the number of applicants would definately SKYROCKET to 4 digit figures for a mere 40 spots. the competition would be ferocious!!!

thanks god they didnt for my sake hehehe.

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Guest UOMeds06


Sorry...haven't had much time this week...and probably won't for the next while cause of our exam on Friday (then my trip to NYC). I haven't read the whole thread but, I'd agree with your last post that if all the Franco students from Quebec were to apply to our French program that it'd be crazy hard getting in here (even more so)!


I'll be back posting around the 15th of March when I get back....hopefully one of the other moderators will be here to answer your questions.


Moderators: Best of luck on your exam if you're in 1st, 2nd OR 3rd year! The block party will be CRAZY!

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Guest UWOMED2005

I'm not sure how big an impact that would have on U of O admissions, Camillefr. A lot of Quebecois would probably apply. . . but a lot might also then turn down that acceptance for acceptances in Quebec - similar to the situation with all the English programs in OMSAS, where individual schools might get applicant to spot ratios of 10:1 to 30:1, but with many/most applicants applying to numerous schools the overall ratio is 6:1.


What would probably happen initially is that U of O would go much further into its waiting list. Then, they'd probably increase the number of interviews so that the interview ratio would be similar to the english program. . . but the end result, with many people accepting at the French Quebec schools instead, would probably be not quite as significant as you might think.

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Guest camillefr

quebec and manitoba doctors are the lowest paid in the country and working conditions are getting really bad over there. the quebec docs were even on strike earlier this year in the entire province, there was question quebec medical students were going to lose their academic year cuz specialists were refusing to teach, they had residents come in to teach the class.

i dont know peter...maybe ur right but i dont know. thanks for ur reply though.

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