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Med school blues

Guest Nervous

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Guest Nervous

Hi everyone. I just read Dr. Sad's post on the pre med forum where s/he expressed some very intense negative feelings about his/her experience in med school. Dr. Sad didn't mention which school s/he attends but I sure hope it isn't Ottawa. Could some current Ottawa meds describe some of their negative and/or postitive experiences. Has anyone encountered the back-stabbing and cliques described by Dr. Sad? Is the workload really that horrendous. I've heard that getting into to med school was the hard part and now I'm very nervous about having a rude awakening.

Thanks for your comments.

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Guest UWOMED2005

Hey Nervous,


If you read Dr. Sad's post, you probably read my reply as well. The good thing about such a topic is that it gets things out in the open. The unfortunate thing is that it causes unnecessary worry. I don't mean to denigrate Dr. Sad's post, but I don't think things are all that bad. . . a lot is dependent on perspective and being able to ignore the bad. Granted, I don't know what the situation at U of Ottawa is like, but from the U of O students I met at FSS last year, most of them seemed really happy with the school.


And I don't mean to dismiss Dr. Sad's comments either. Fact is, most likely there will be times you question your decision to go into medicine. I know I did - I think it's only natural. But as long as you can find sources of support (friends, family, school counselling services, whatever works) you'll get through. Almost noone fails out of medicine (at least at UWO. . . but I'm fairly certain that applies to most schools) On the even bright side I hear you guys at U of O at the least get a week off to study before exams - the situation could be worse. . . you could be here at UWO where we have classes up until the friday before exams (and we still all passed 1st year, I believe.)


Really, I should let the U of O students comment though. . .

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest lhasa10

Hi there -

This is a little late but I just wanted to reassure the incoming

U of O student that the environment is very positive. When you get any group of 100 or so people together you are going to get some inevitable social groupings, but there was no true ill will or ostracism as far as I could see. While there were very distinctive subcultures within the class, I thought it made life rather more interesting....

I would also say that the openly competitive people in the class were definitely in the minority, and even they were tolerated well. The few who took themselves very seriously were my best entertainment all year.

Ottawa U is a great school, students who match very well for residencies, with little of the snobbery I've heard about other schools.You'll have a great time.



Best of Luck and Have fun!

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