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About Reference Letters

Guest flora

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Guest flora

Hi Guys,


I'll be heading out to Mongolia for a month to do some missions trip soon;


I know the reference letters dont play that big of a deal, but do you think it would look bad if I got the co-ordinator or something like that from Mongolia to write a good letter of refernce, as opposed to say, a "traditional, reference from North America"


Given that they both write equally well, will the one from outta this country look less credible?



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Guest UWOMED2005

If you're applying to OMSAS, they're not looking for a reference 'letter' but for your reference to fill out a 'referee's' evaluation form. At least that was the case when I applied 2 years (wow how time flies!) ago.

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Guest TimmyMax



I don't think the actual content of your letters is overly critical; my impression is that they are used merely as flags by most schools. Face it, pretty much everyone is going to have decent enough references that are all going to say basically the same thing (So-and-so will make an excellent doctor because he's a...good...work...uh...guy, etc.). What is critical is that your references don't say something to the effect that you would not make a good physician because from what I've heard, that seems to be the best way to torpedo your application. So by all means, go with the Mongolian reference if the person writing it feels comfortable giving you a strong letter.


Best of luck!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest TimmyMax

Darn tootin'! Back when I had a computer of my own (which has since become so obsolete I just gave up using it), I had Simpsons excerpts for all of my audio prompts. Among my favorite was:

Homer: (Snooty rich person tone) Hello, my name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter for me.

Postal Worker: OK, Mr. Burns, what's your first name?

Homer: I don't know.

At the dinner during my Queen's interview weekend, my table's conversation quickly degenerated into quoting the Simpsons ad nauseum. I was in pizza-faced paradise! :)


Best of luck!


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Guest diencephalon

I'm a hardcore Simpsons fan too...I have about 30 gigs worth of simpsons episodes on my computer that I downloaded :eek


My two favourte quotes are the one TimmyMax max posted and from the episode where Santa's Little Helper runs away and Homer is trying to console Bart:


Homer: Well crying isn't gonna bring him back - unless your tears smell like dog food. So you can either sit there crying and eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell enough like dog food to make your dog come back or you can go out there and find your dog!

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Guest TimmyMax

Homer: What are you going to do, Burns?!? Release the hounds??? Release the bees??? Or better yet, release the hounds that when they open their mouths they shoot bees at you?!?

OK, I'm done. No more Simpsons quotes.



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Guest diencephalon

hahaha I totally forgot about that one...that's up there w/ my favourites....


TimmyMax your pure jokes man





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