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CASPer fail

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Just finished CASPER

1. Time!!!! I am a very fast typer, but it was difficult to synthesize information and type as you go write. i need time to think!!!!!

2. Wasn't sure how much to write. For the very first part, i wrote a giant paragraph, only to find out that I had 2 mins left for the other 2 questions. since then, I just completely screwed grammar/proper sentence structure and wrote out in point format - lol hope this is all right

3. I kept remembering more things i should've added after each section - stupid dumb me I guess but still!

4. Video froze for the last video - but the scenario was kind of obvious

5. Had no idea how much I was supposed to write

ex) would you do this? why?

Am I supposed to write a full essay, or just write something like: I'm going to do this b/c of x, y, and z?


Overall, I felt that time was the major issue for me. Also, I found that the questions were fairly predictable, and my concern is that b/c some of the questions are so similar, I would end up giving almost identical/similar responses. Wonder if they would curve it haha.

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So I'm hoping that some of us got different questions?? Because I was not asked anything about fruit...?!?!?


Other than the time constraint, it wasn't too bad. All I know is that they will have a blast trying read past my spelling errors.


lol the fruit question was a joke


but then again, i haven't written it yet, so was it really?:P

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Goody. Get to look forward to this madness on Wednesday! I participated in the one of the first rounds of testing for Casper in 2009 (or 2008? Can't remember!) and I actually had a lot of fun with it. However, now it seems like since something is at stake it is way more stressful and confusing. I'm interested in seeing what they end up doing with all our information....whether they will actually use it and if they do, how much emphasis will be placed on it.

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Just finished the test, it was disgusting in terms of the time allotted for the questions. I mean 5 minutes for 3 questions?! What the eff is that??!! :@ I didn't finish a few questions i.e. couldn't get in the last word or period! I'm a pretty fast typer but this was just too much. The questions were okay but needed some thinking of course, that and lightening speed typing skills. Just absolutely ridiculous, I'm glad I'm done with this today.

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They wouldn't need to check typing patterns, just overall responses.


If you type perfect 1000-char responses in every box, and then they give you a practice test at the interview and you can only type 3 words, then obv something is fishy.


At the extremes they could detect suspicious activity, but I don't think it'd be likely that the difference would ever be that big, and I don't think they would catch someone if they did have someone else do CASPer for them. Even if there is a noticeable difference in the quality of responses between the real CASPer and the thing at the interview, saying someone else did CASPer is a very serious accusation, which I doubt they could easily make. For one thing, the conditions between when you are doing the real CASPer and doing the thing at the end of the interview could easily account for differences in applicant responses.

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lol the fruit question was a joke


but then again, i haven't written it yet, so was it really?:P


Without giving too much away, it's not a joke... although I laughed out loud when I saw it! Basically it's a question to assess your personality and see how quickly you can think!


If someone DIDN'T get a fruit question, it may mean we get different questions...?

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Without giving too much away, it's not a joke... although I laughed out loud when I saw it! Basically it's a question to assess your personality and see how quickly you can think!


If someone DIDN'T get a fruit question, it may mean we get different questions...?


I didn't get the fruit question :(

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oh man, that's a relief! haha in that case, i'm a kiwi.


Well, time was definitely an issue, but to be honest, it was kind of fun. Don't think of it as a test for getting into medical school, that's too stressful. Think of it like a game or something. You don't even have time to "systematically" answer the questions or answer the way you think it should be answered, you just type what you feel/think and hope it works.



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Well I just finished CASPer (12:30 time)... I was typing right down to the last 10 seconds... although I did have time to finish all the answers. Most of the answers came naturally to me, and I felt like I could predict what would be asked of me during the video, which allowed me to jot some points DURING the video that I may have to talk about or would like to mention in my answers... I felt like this saved me a lot of time because I could jump right into answering once the video was done.



I felt like I did OK on it... You just have to put yourself in that situation. I think what CASPer REALLY tests for is life experience. If you have experience in handling some of the scenarios, that is a huge plus.


The biggest time sink for me was thinking of how I would respond or how to answer the question, but once I got an idea of where my answer would lead, everything just flowed naturally.


Good luck everyone!

This sums up my thoughs rather well.


I also just finished the 12:30 CASPer and did not consider it to be a fail. I rather liked it. Sure, 5 minutes was a bit tough for time, but I found, as stated above, I could anticipate what questions were going to be asked which made it a lot easier.


Also, since I knew that 5 min would likely be tough for me, I stuck to a time schedule. I spent the first 30 sec reading every question and thinking of a quick 1 or 2 keywords. I then spent 1:20 per question typing my response (and I'm not that speedy of a typer). The last 30 sec I spent adding anything I thought of to my 3 answers. This system worked well for me, but I'm also the type of person who likes schedules.



But I wouldn't be surprised if, like others have suggested, this is some massive beta test and that the ABS questions are scored.

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OMG...after one of the video's the f***ing questions wouldn't load! I called the helpdesk, but by the time it was sorted out there was only 20 seconds left and all I could type was that it didn't work. She said not to worry,but asdfghjkl I'm so mad! and then I was all flustered after too! stupid f***ing casper.


Ditto... same thing happened to me!


4 years building GPA = 25%

Many months writing and re-writing MCAT = 25%

1 hr crying over CASPer = 50% (46%... whatever)


Really McMaster? REALLY?!

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Wow, yeah, that was definitely challenging! I wish we had gotten 1 minute to think and 5 minutes to answer - I found myself stressing and scrambling at the beginning of each section. But, like other posters have said, we're all in the same boat and they're not looking for a novel! And its not like they have several years of stellar CASPer performance to compare us against, so hopefully they'll be fair in their evaluations!


I have one tip for anyone writing CASPer later today or on Wed - make sure your keyboard has enough battery power (if it's wireless)! Mine disconnected due to low batteries a few times and I was freaking out!


ps. anyone else have a glitch with the final question on the survey (where you can add additional comments)? Mine froze and wouldn't let me type into the field at all, or delete parts of what I had written. I had half a thought typed in there when it froze. I'm kind of disappointed because I wanted to give them my opinion re. the timing!

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