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CASPer fail

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I'm taking my mid-CASPer break right now. Kylamonkey, I'll have to agree with you... this is actually really fun, though definitely stressful. I've botched a lot of the questions so far because there wasn't enough time, but I think it's pretty awesome - way better than those silly Autobiographical Submission questions!

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anyone else annoyed at the red flashing 1 minute warning. That stressed me out even more....why does it have to flash!!


I totally feel ya on this one... if you could graph my frantic-ness and stress levels, they would soar up once the timer turned red and started flashing haha. But like others have said... I actually kind had fun with CASPer!

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15 minute break!


I like this a LOT. My answers so far are decent, but the first couple sections were worse than the next few. Definitely took time to get the wheels spinning, but once they did, it was all good.


Here's hoping for the best for the second half!


I'm liking the ethical scenario questions, but not SO much the personal ones right now. Been pressed for time on a couple of sections but a bit more relaxed on some so maybe it balances out? Who knows!

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15 minute break!


I like this a LOT. My answers so far are decent, but the first couple sections were worse than the next few. Definitely took time to get the wheels spinning, but once they did, it was all good.


Here's hoping for the best for the second half!


You know, me too. I definitely got "on a roll" at one point.

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Kylamonkey, This is really similar to MMI. Good call using this as practice! Okay, back to the test!


Thanks- I'm really glad I did it. It actually gives me a lot of confidence for the possible future "real" MMIs I do. :D


I'm very sorry if I took a spot that someone else could have taken, but we will all get a chance to write it.

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Just keep citing 'autonomy' 'paternalism' 'full disclosure', 'patient relationship', 'business duty', 'stakeholder prioritization' and 'proper development of relationships' and you'll do fine.



dunno, I'd like to think that they're looking a bit deeper than whether we use those words.

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were there supposed to be many ethics videos? I only remember having 1 or 2... most of mine were on like decision making, which i was fine with because I'm used to most of these situations.


wasn't a bad test at all - great for some insight on whats to come with the MMI, especially since I have the Dalhousie one in 4 weeks.. eek!

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Just finished!


Actually, I (surprisingly) liked it. I really thought it kept you on your toes, and I really had fun with it. To me, I totally forgot it was worth 50% of my score, and I just was on a roll with my answers.


My only suggestion to them was giving us slightly more time. 7-8 minutes may have been better than just 5. 5 minutes flies by waayyyy to fast.

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hrm... dunno what to think


technology wise, my test locked after my 15 min break ended, telling me that i failed the pretest (but i was able to start?), but when i went to system check, i coudl continue the test from where i was (hopefully it didn't skip a section O.o)


And then the textbox locked up on me at the end. Thankfully it was just the survey part, so I figure i should be fine...


But yeah... damn.

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I liked it too. I think the questions were kinda fun. I didn't have any major catastrophe and my computer didn't try and die on me. I'm really interested to see how this affects who gets interviews this year. Timing was tight, but thats the point right? Its to see how you think on the fly.

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Luckily, I had 0 tech glitches so on that front it was smooth sailing.


I did find the time to be an issue - it was hard to formulate coherent answers sometimes and I know I misread one question. And I agree about the flashing, red countdown - it just added to the stress at that point.


Overall, a good experience though. I'd rather they use this than my awful ABS answers.

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Are we supposed to get some sort of e-mail after finishing? Just a record that we finished? lol


And yea...it didn't seem so bad...I really got on a roll after the first couple sections. I skipped the break, since I was really on a roll. The time did get me in a couple sections.....(I had "medici" written when it cut me off :(...but I think they'll get I meant "medicine").

I don't know what to think of how I did though......I think my answers were blech lol. Oh well...guess we'll find out in February-March-ish!

Good luck everyone!


(P.S: guess the ghost isn't quite as friendly as everyone says he is....)

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hrm... dunno what to think


technology wise, my test locked after my 15 min break ended, telling me that i failed the pretest (but i was able to start?), but when i went to system check, i coudl continue the test from where i was (hopefully it didn't skip a section O.o)


And then the textbox locked up on me at the end. Thankfully it was just the survey part, so I figure i should be fine...


But yeah... damn.


Did you contact tech services? You should let them know about the glitch just in case it does have a negative impact on you.

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There was just a char limit in the textbox... I don't think it was actually locking up.


hrm... dunno what to think


technology wise, my test locked after my 15 min break ended, telling me that i failed the pretest (but i was able to start?), but when i went to system check, i coudl continue the test from where i was (hopefully it didn't skip a section O.o)


And then the textbox locked up on me at the end. Thankfully it was just the survey part, so I figure i should be fine...


But yeah... damn.

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