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If your referee does not have an institutional email address...


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Since my referee does not have an institutional email address, he must submit a letter verifying his identity. However, it says on the website that a business card is needed along with a letter written with an institutional letterhead.


Does anyone know if the business card is absolutely necessary? My referee doesn't have one.


Or should I just ask him to get a witness/guarantor to sign it? In that case, what other information do they need regarding the witness?


If anyone's in the same shoe, please let me know. (Couldn't get through to admissions by phone for the longest time.) Thanks!

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Since my referee does not have an institutional email address, he must submit a letter verifying his identity. However, it says on the website that a business card is needed along with a letter written with an institutional letterhead.


Does anyone know if the business card is absolutely necessary? My referee doesn't have one.


Or should I just ask him to get a witness/guarantor to sign it? In that case, what other information do they need regarding the witness?


If anyone's in the same shoe, please let me know. (Couldn't get through to admissions by phone for the longest time.) Thanks!


I recently called the office as I had the same situation... quite frankly I think its alot of extra work for nothing but i understand their reasoning behind it. I could make my own letter and sign it, whats going to stop that.... Just do the 2nd option as stated on the website, get them to state their identity, sign it, have a witness sign it then send it to the admisisons office.. thats what I am doing. As I asked the secretary it can be anyone, doesnt have to be a notary or anything.

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