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International School of Louisiana to expand to Westbank campus


International School of Louisiana (ISL) Head of School, Sean Wilson, announced today that the charter school would be expanding its campus to a Westbank location for the school year 2011-2012. “As the only public multi-language immersion school in the region, we generally have more applications than spaces,” said Mr. Wilson. “There is an increased demand for language learning throughout the country and we are looking forward to expanding our global and diverse educational program to the Westbank.”


Wilson said ISL’s charter allows for a 20% expansion increase in enrollment at the school, which does not have to be on the same campus. The new campus will expand up a class each year until it is a complete elementary school program. The Eastbank and Westbank campuses will have the same school administrators, immersion language curriculum and focus.


“As the countries of our world become more interconnected, the ability to speak more than one language will be a tremendous asset. Right now there are no language immersion public schools on the Westbank; we are excited to be offering classes there. said Mr. Wilson. ”ISL is also the only public school to offer Mandarin Chinese classes in the New Orleans area. We see first hand the proven advantages of multi-language learning, including raised self-esteem, increased achievement, and a greater proficiency with other languages.”


Approved by the ISL Board after the school received a nearly $1 million grant under the Gulf Coast Recovery Program through the Department of Education, the growth will increase the ISL Kindergarten class by a maximum of 92 students in four classes, depending on need.


The location of the additional classes on the Westbank will be determined in the next few weeks, but ISL will begin accepting applications for both the Eastbank and Westbank campus on October 25, 2010.


ISL will hold two Open Houses this month at its Uptown location, 1400 Camp Street: Saturday, October 23 at 10am, and Thursday, October 28 at 6pm. All Eastbank and Westbank students and parents are invited to attend to learn more about both campuses.

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