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Dropping english, will it come back and bite me?

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I'm 2 month into university right now and everything's going along smoothly EXCEPT for english, due the fatal combination of being bad at english and prof. that can't really speak english (yea the irony, i know), I'm thinking of dropping the course which I didn't not know I could do. friends say "people do it all the time" and "you just get a W(or something) on your transcript" but I'm worried that medschool will look at that W and not let me in.


BTW. If you want to know how bad my english is ... lets just say I'd be happy with a C+

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Just make sure that it's not going to put you below what would be considered a full courseload at all the schools you want to apply to.


This wont matter since you're only two months into your University career, i.e. I doubt you'll be applying to Med school within the next year or two.


Check your university's dropping a course policy. Often times, if a course is dropped before a certain date it will appear as though you were never even registered in it on your transcript. The course code will not appear on your transcript, no "W" etc. If you are past that date, there may be some distinction that the course was dropped on the transcript.

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  • 4 weeks later...

sorry to resurrect a dead thread, but I've been hearing some different vocabularies lately, some people say withdraw fail with destroy your career, especially if you're going to med.

Is there a difference between withdraw fail (they said WF so i think thats what they meant) and withdraw?


Also, I'm pretty sure Im going to get 4.0 in pretty much all the other science courses,


Also, if I drop the course, I will only have 4 courses this semester, I'm pretty sure im going to have 5 for the rest of my years, does still fit the requirements for medschool (UoC & UoA) ?

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Yes, there's a huge difference. A withdraw (W) isn't counted in your GPA. It just shows that you were registered for the class and dropped it. A withdraw fail (WF) happens if you drop it after the deadline and is counted in your GPA as if it were an F, ie you get a zero for the class. It won't ruin your life, but it will bring down your GPA, and if your choice is between a WF and a C, then take the C. As far as UofA and UofC and a full course load, I think you should be okay for the UofC (I think they only need 2 full time years, and I'm not even sure if they want 4 courses or 5), but I'm not sure about the UofA because I don't remember what their definition of full time is and how many full time years they want. But the UofA requires English (2 semesters, I think), so you will have to take later anyway if you drop it now.

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Well, if you're absolutely sure that you can still get a W, the question to ask yourself is whether you'll do better in English if you take it again later. If you think you'll still get a C or thereabouts no matter what, then you might as well just keep going and get it over with now. But if you are pretty sure you can do better if you try again later, then dropping it is something to consider. Another option if you think you'll get a C no matter what is to try taking it again in the summer, because a lot of med schools don't consider summer courses when calculating your GPA. If you think you'll be able to take summer courses at some point, that might actually be your best bet. The UofA would still let you use it to fulfill the pre-req requirement, but wouldn't count in in your GPA (http://www.med.ualberta.ca/Education/UME/admissions/dofm_require.cfm).

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