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When do you qualify as an in-province student??

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From page 7 of the Applicant Manual:


"3. RESIDENCY (Albertan vs. Non-Albertan)


The Faculty of Medicine considers as Alberta Residents those Canadian Citizens or Landed Immigrants who:


a) have lived in Alberta1 for the 12 consecutive months* immediately preceding the first day of

classes of the term for which admission is sought; OR

B) have obtained at least two years of their high school education in Alberta2; OR

c) have attended a university in Alberta as a full-time student for at least two years; OR

d) have resided in Alberta for 24 consecutive months at some time after completion of high school OR

e) who will have been on active duty with Canadian Armed Forces for the two year period immediately preced- ing the first day of classes of the term for which admission is sought. (Applicants wishing to be considered Albertans under this clause must provide the Office of Admissions with a letter from the Canadian Armed Forces confirming their status.)"

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I moved to Calgary last July to start graduate school and applied in October as an IP applicant according to their criterion. Some people think otherwise.


Hmm.. I can see why. If you are a student then you have to have lived in Alberta for 2 years. But seeing as you literally moved quite a bit before school started I think you're fine. You should have just called to confirm. I doubt they will give you any trouble. Calgary seems to be lenient with these things but U of A seems very strict just by going through the application process.


I think you're fine.


- Lupe

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a) have lived in Alberta for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes of the term for which admission is sought;


Based on this, does this mean that one could move to Alberta in July, apply to med school that October, and be considered IP since classes will begin only in July of the following year?

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