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Geared towards UofC students

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Hey guys,


I'm a university student in Ontario contemplating on moving to UofC for the 2nd half of my degree (not solely to gain the IP status for med school but due to some family issues as well). I'm concerned about UofC's grading scale..I checked online and it seems as though an A at UofC is 93-100% and 90-92% is an A - . Can current UofC students verify this? This sounds a bit too harsh :S Getting A's is central to getting into med school later on but with such a grading scale, it seems too difficult to obtain straight A's.


Is the grading scale different for different courses?


How are the social sciences/humanities faculties like at UofC..hard/easy/moderate in comparison to sciences ( I know this is subjective but any input would be great)


Are there any health and society majors from UofC out there?


Any input/comments would be of GREAT help!

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I'm at the U of C (biological sciences) and it's not particularly difficult to get an A. So far for me it has depended on the class. For example, in bio an A+ is reserved for outstanding performance (100%), but in a sociology course I took anything over 90 was an A+. If you google the U of C site I believe there is an online copy of the course calendar which should have more info.. And actually if you open the medical admissions package (google this also) near the end of the package there is a chart of what each letter grade is classified as. Hope this helps!

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Yea I can verify that scale. Depends on the department tho. Computer science is brutal. Engineering has sweet grading scales, and so does physics( 85% A) but most of the faculties its a 90% for an A, minimum. I had a comp sci class where it was 90% for an A minus and 95 for an A.

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I'm in third year zoology program. I can't remember the exact scale for science courses in the first two years but I'd say most are around 85-90 = A. usually A+ is given for >90%. For social science or english courses, often 90%+ is required to get an A.

Some of the courses I took this semester had the following scales





I'd say the grading scale for third year courses in science would be around 85%=A.

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