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do you shake hands in the MMI?


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Hi, I apologize if this has been asked before, but I'm wondering if shaking hands is appropriate in the MMI for every station?


example: some stations are role play. do you get in, introduce yourself and shake hands with your evaluator and person acting with you, then start acting? or do you just get in and start acting right away?


example: other stations are your typical "go inside the room and discuss your answer with the interviewer". For those stations, do you still get in, shake hands and introduce yourself to them? the reason I ask is because some people prefer not to shake hands for health, religious/cultural reasons, or personal reasons. the last thing I want to do is make them feel uncomfortable/upset by my seemingly friendly/professional gesture, and I want to respect their wishes.


potential solution: get in and ask if its OK to shake their hand? does that seem too robotic/unnatural/dorky?


I'm interested in feedback, please... Thanks!

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I don't know about the acting station, but for the other example, generally shake hands. Just be observant, and if the person looks like they don't want to (unlikely), or they their arm in a cast or something, then don't. But still introduce yourself.


lol, do NOT ask to shake hands! That'd be super weird.

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