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non-trad advice needed

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Strongly considering moving to Yukon, which would make me IP for next cycle. Before I make this move, I need to have all my info!

I am looking for advice specific to UofC, please. If anyone has knowledge on their process in particular, and how they might view my app, please let me know!


-Since 2001, always above a 3.6

-2007-2009, school FT including summers, 7 terms straight, often with course overload

-Best 2 are 3.67 when averaged

-MCAT 33R, rewriting at some point next summer and I expect 36+, have gotten S and R on my 2 MCATs but have not written since 2007 so I need to rewrite soon. I expect 36+ because I have MUCH more education in all areas of the MCAT since my last sitting, and it is an exam very well-suited to my strengths (it's a test of human endurance!)

-ECs are pretty good, but I am a mature applicant, and I know they look at that. For reference, my ECs score given by UBC his year was higher than the average of all applicants offered interviews, including OOPs

-Lots of good refs available, employment, research, volunteer may be weak but I have plans for this next year that will give me an awesome one.


Here is the bad part:


1st yr- 1998- 2.7 GPA

2nd yr- 1999- 0.48 GPA (no typo there)


Sooo…. will my poor record from >10yrs ago DQ me?

Is there such thing as special consideration? There is a spot for additional info, but how many chars do you get for it?


I really do think that my academic record since 2007 is pretty good (not stellar), and shows I can handle academic rigor.


Please advise. Someone must have insight into how they will look at my file?


I'll call the office on Mon and ask them too.

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From all the stuff I've read (I spend a lot of time obsessing about the UofC because it's my top choice school), I think you would have a decent chance if you were IP. I just looked at my UofC application, and the additional info section says "You have a maximum of 59 lines". Also, wouldn't moving to the Yukon make you IP for Saskatchewan and Manitoba as well? I think I've read that somewhere. That would be an added bonus. I have a friend who's working in the Yukon right now, and she absolutely loves it up there.

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If you are IP they will consider looking at your overall app based on making the 3.2 two-yr GPA cut off.


At that point, they are going to look at all years of courses. GPA is scored in a funky way, nobody really know how. Based on everything else you've listed here, I think even if the first 2 years of GPA impact your academic score you can make it up in other areas. Worth the ~$125 for applying if you become IP!

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