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repeated applications

Guest unregistered

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Guest unregistered

Does anyone have any opinion on whether it is a positive thing to apply for several years? I do';t think my GPA will allow me in this coming year, but hopefully next...is persistance considered to be a positive...or in other words should I apply this coming year even if I almost certainly will not get in, or wait? Thanks for any input.

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Guest Ian Wong

If you'll make the GPA cutoff, I'd definitely apply. Getting that application experience is really helpful. Unfortunately, I don't know what the GPA cutoff was this year; perhaps one of the current applicants will be able to help you out.



UBC, Med 3

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Guest Liana

I've heard of McMaster looking positively towards the persistance that is indicated by repeated application, but I don't think any other school considers this factor. I am pretty certain that Ottawa won't interview you more than 3 times, but that's obviously not your concern.


It depends on how close you are to the GPA cutoff. I've heard people on this board who have received interviews to Ottawa with GPAs below the supposed cutoff. Whether they will be accepted depends on the outcome of June 4, but you may want to check things out in June.


Whether or not you should apply right away depends on how much spare time and money you have. If you have the $75 and the hours available to compose a good application, then go for it. If you reapply in later years, you'll have a previous effort from which to work, and you'll be experienced in the whole procedure. However, if Ottawa is the only school you'll be applying to, you should also consider whether getting 3 references will be an imposition, plus you'll have to add an additional $175 OMSAS fee to the cost of applying. The other downfall to applying in a year when you don't think you'll have too much success is that you will have a good chance of having to look forward to getting the bad news of not being accepted.


If you're willing to accept these downfalls, then go ahead and apply, by all means! Statistically, the more times you apply, the better your chances are, and your chances are infinitely better this time than if you don't apply at all. Cutoff averages are always an iffy area, and you shouldn't let last year's concrete standards dictate what the future might hold.


Good luck!

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Guest Beaver

Actually I've known a lot of people who have applied more than once to Mac and have gotten an interview the first time, and then weren't even granted an interview the next couple of times they applied. This was largely due to the essay being weighted heavily, and therefore the variability in essay scores from year to year made a big difference in the success of the applicant. I think most people (according to the stats that some informal surveys that some schools put out) get accepted after the first or sometimes second attempt. It seems the acceptance rate drops off dramatically after the second application. However this could be due to a significantly lower number of applicants after two attempts as people probably start to realize they may not have "the right stuff" to make it into medicine and look to other careers.

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