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2010/2011 Applicants

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For anyone who didn't see this... The link is somewhat inconspicuous. Its from the website, click on the link at the top ("click here") for last years stats



Its a presentation of the scores:

924 OOP apps, 250 were reviewed, 127 interviewed


The mean pre file review score was 431, while the cut off has been >450 the past few years...so more than half of the applicants were either hoping for a good MCAT score or didn't do their research...

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Even a 15 BS isn't enough to meet the cut-off with an 8 in VR (and a 4.0). :(


Not to reveal too much about myself... haha I actually had a 6 VR last round of UofC interviews... I am IP and got an interview. I have rewritten my MCAT since, but point of the matter is that if someone truthfully wants to study in Alberta and decides to move here... and has good ECs... you may be able to get an interview... just dont mess up on the interview... its do or die.


Mithril is right regarding an OOP applicant which the initial poster is, but if he/she chooses to move and becomes IP in Alberta... it would make the ordeal easier. The MCAT isn't the end of the world, looking at the stats from the interview last year... you need to nail the interview to get in if you dont have a "Mithril-LIKE GPA"... but judging from recent literature, Canadian medical schools are slowly pulling away from the MCAT and looking at their interviews to reveal more about the applicant... so beware and keep your chin high.

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while I realize estimates will be almost totally useless, anyone care to venture a guess at the probability of an OOP, who has made the first cut, gaining acceptance (taking into consideration declined offers)? of course for this kind of estimate we are considering all applicants equal in application and interview (which, obviously is incongruent with reality).

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I think their method for screening OOPs is a little odd. I mean, I advanced to full file review, but only because they only look at 2 year GPAs... now that it's cGPA, I doubt my 3.67 stands much of a chance in the OOP pool.


I mean, I guess they need a way to cut down the workload because they get so many applicants, and they're going to get a solid incoming class regardless, I just can't help but feel that I applied to Calgary and have no real chance of admission, but took a full file review spot away from someone with maybe a nice balanced 3.8 who would have actually had a chance to get in.

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Guest Juicy.Fruit

im sure u r not the only one in such situation. Everyone's cGPA will be lower than their best 2 years (unless they got same gpa across 3-4 years...).


Now, the drop may vary person to person but also our non-academic score will vary person to person.


It looks like half of the people get an interview so as long as you got strong ECs, there is still plenty of space for ppl with relatively low cGPA to grab an interview spot.

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