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Academic references

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Hi guys,


I've been out of the academic environment for a few years.


I've applied to med school this year and the last with the same referees.


If I don't get in at this attempt I would still like to try again next year but I feel my academic reference (a former professor for whom I did some undergraduate research) might be a little outdated as we will have last worked together four years ago by the time of the next application cycle.


How do non-traditional applicants who have been out of school for a while get an academic reference?


Doing a masters or returning to school for the sake of a letter seem extravagant but I am open to suggestions.


For the record, I do work full-time but could switch to part-time.


Any advice is much appreciated,


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Otto, I don't see that you have a problem. Assuming the prof is up-to-date on your activities and academics, he is a credible person to advocate for you provided he is willing. Give him your latest CVs, transcript, a motivational letter, thereby filling in all the blanks that might otherwise be there, and he should be good to go. I do not believe that you need to turn your life upside down for the intended purpose. I would be happy to have a further dialogue by PM. Good luck and happy new year!

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