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Do you tell professors/potential references that you're on your 2nd degree?

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I have and do...and personally I don't feel I have anything to hide from anyone. If you are a bit uncomfortable with it, just don't mention anything about it unless asked. If people inquire you should have a good reason for pursuing another degree in addition to improving your marks for medicine. :)

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I don't think it sounds bad to be on your second degree. Lots of people get a second degree because they decide to change careers or because their employer wants them to, or just because they want to learn about stuff they didn't get to study the first time. If I end up having to get a second bachelor's degree to get into med school (which is my back-up plan if I don't get in this cycle, and which might be especially awkward because I'll already have a PhD), I just plan on telling people that I wanted to make a career change and go into medicine, so I'm doing this degree as part of that. It's not like having to repeat a year of high school. It's more like you got a degree in one thing, and now you're back getting a degree in something else. And when you're done, you won't be caught up to all the other people who have only one degree, you'll be more educated than them. Don't feel bad about it! :) But also, you don't have to tell anyone anything about your personal life unless you want to.

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So let's say you want to be a volunteer or research assistant in a lab, and you're asked to submit info about why you're interested, would you mention med school or would you just say you're interested in the what they research. What should you say to get the best chance of getting a volunteer/research assistant position?

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So let's say you want to be a volunteer or research assistant in a lab, and you're asked to submit info about why you're interested, would you mention med school or would you just say you're interested in the what they research. What should you say to get the best chance of getting a volunteer/research assistant position?


You should have a reason to be volunteering in addition to it 'helping you get into medical school'. Maybe you took a course with the prof and really liked their lectures and enthusiasm for the subject matter, or you are interested in their field and want to learn more, or they perform a specific technique that you'd love to learn about. There's a multitude of reasons that you should want to do research...just don't do it for 'med school purposes' or else you will be miserable if you are participating in something that doesn't excite you at all.

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Yeah, I'd just tell them you're interested learning how to do research or you're interested in what they're working on. If you did bring up med school, approach it from the angle of you want to be a doctor, and you hope to do research as part of your future career, so you'd like to start learning how to do it. Relating it to medicine in general sounds fine, I think, but relating it to getting into med school is something I would avoid.

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