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So that's 3 OOP acceptances then? gb, chrail and Snoopy?


Seems like it. If it stays that way my prediction was right on the money.


Schools really need to get over themselves (thinking they're doing it for our benefit) and let us know our respective ranks on the WL. I understand that not all schools rank their WL but we all know Dal does!


The knowledge really does make a world of difference to me.


Anyway, congrats to those accepted and those who are pulled off the WL, make sure to come back and let us know when it happens :).

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just based on this small sample of people, I'd assume that yes, the vast majority of those not accepted today are on the WL.


Only one person has posted (the same person that posted that their verifiers were checked). I'm a tad skeptical about this, but it might be true.

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Waitlisted too! My high of being on the WL is fading a little with the realization that all OOP might be on the WL? Has anyone confirmed this?


Either, way, still alive!


I like your optimism!


But, yes, as the day goes on and we've yet to hear of any rejections (well, we've heard from "Maybe") it's starting to look more and more like we were all wait listed.

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I was really hoping they would let us know our wait list position.. wonder why they decided not to.


I think I'd be in the same boat as you, but just to add some perspective, here's something I posted a few pages back:


With regards to them not releasing waitlist numbers, there is a method to the madness. In all honesty, not knowing your position can make for a less nerve-wracking summer. I was on the NB waitlist in the summer of 2009, and things can get pretty insane. While on the waitlist, I did a bit of detective work, and after a while I realized that, although there were three people ahead of me on paper, they had all accepted seats elsewhere, so if one person were to not go to Dal, I would be the next one to be called. Being the first alternate on the waitlist for 3 months was... trying, to say the least. This way you can put it out of your mind rather than obsess over it for the summer ahead.

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The problem comes when you're trying to make plans for the coming year. If you're #50 on the waitlist it's helpful to know that if you're trying to decide whether to accept an offer for a job, for grad school, whether to resign your lease, buy a car, etc. It sucks that this is the first year they aren't releasing the numbers - must be because of what happened last year with their waitlist movement.

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The problem comes when you're trying to make plans for the coming year. If you're #50 on the waitlist it's helpful to know that if you're trying to decide whether to accept an offer for a job, for grad school, whether to resign your lease, buy a car, etc. It sucks that this is the first year they aren't releasing the numbers - must be because of what happened last year with their waitlist movement.
Just out of curiosity, what happened last year? I don't follow what's going on with Dal's process.




And congrats to all those who got good news today. It's nice to see quite a few pm101 friends get acceptances. To those waitlisted, I hope you get some good news soon, if not from Dal then from other schools in May.

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Last year they went through all of their OOP accepted people, then the OOP waitlist and finally went back and contacted people they had initially rejected. If I'm not mistaken, this happened once at Queen's too, a few years ago, and that was the last time they released waitlist numbers (including even just the total number of waitlisted applicants).

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Last year someone got accepted after being rejected in March because the entire waitlist was exhausted. So the thinking is that they expanded the waitlist to include all (or almost all) OOP applicants to avoid that same problem.


As for the numbering, I'm guessing there was some sort of problem in the past when people specifically know. It is too bad though, it would have been helpful to know. I would be great if they let us know good vs bad waitlist, or 1-10, 11-20 etc. so we could prepare ourselves ;)

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Rejection' date=' IP.


Tough and confusing, but that's life - been through faaaar worse. Congrats to those awarded positions/waitlisted!


I'm still going out to dinner :)



Sorry to hear my friend, glad you're staying optimistic.

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Maybe (the person who we thought was an OOP rejection) is IP.


I doubt the WL is going to move that much this year (sorry to say so). It seems a few people with OOP acceptances are ranking Dal highly.


I suppose they really didn't reject anyone. That's why they didn't release WL numbers, since it would be shameful to have people with #50-55 in a 9-person pool.


Sigh, prestige.

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Last year they went through all of their OOP accepted people, then the OOP waitlist and finally went back and contacted people they had initially rejected. If I'm not mistaken, this happened once at Queen's too, a few years ago, and that was the last time they released waitlist numbers (including even just the total number of waitlisted applicants).


Last year someone got accepted after being rejected in March because the entire waitlist was exhausted. So the thinking is that they expanded the waitlist to include all (or almost all) OOP applicants to avoid that same problem.


As for the numbering, I'm guessing there was some sort of problem in the past when people specifically know. It is too bad though, it would have been helpful to know. I would be great if they let us know good vs bad waitlist, or 1-10, 11-20 etc. so we could prepare ourselves ;)

Oh, interesting. Thanks for the explanation. And I do remember hearing about how that happened at Queen's as well. I guess it makes sense why they don't release what number you are on the list, but I'm sure it's quite frustrating for a lot of you today.
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I emailed Tracy to ask if they would tell us the number of waitlisters...I don't think she'll say yes, but it was worth a shot.


+1 to what HBP responded.


I was too scared to say/ask anything beyond accepting my position (I can be a coward at times...) :rolleyes: Thank you for taking the initiative!!! :D

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+1 to what HBP responded.


I was too scared to say/ask anything beyond accepting my position (I can be a coward at times...) :rolleyes: Thank you for taking the initiative!!! :D




The adcom can really do whatever they want, but personally, I feel not disclosing the wait list position still creates anxiety...


I e-mailed to confirm that I would like to remain on the wait list and got a one word response - seems like they're strapped for time over there..

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The adcom can really do whatever they want, but personally, I feel not disclosing the wait list position still creates anxiety...


I e-mailed to confirm that I would like to remain on the wait list and got a one word response - seems like they're strapped for time over there..


I got one word and a comma...


I feel special :)

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