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Come on guys! Did you really expect some of us would hear from the handful of offers that (if they already have been sent) came out from the original acceptees declining their offer? I mean sure it could happen but the competition level is intense and thinking about getting in off the WL before mid May is mostly wishful thinking/setting ourselves up for disappointment.


Just focus on the other schools you're waiting to hear from come early/mid May. Most of us have at least 1 more (yay!) or multiple other CAN interviews and odds are, keeping in mind how kickass most of you guys are, that we won't have to wishful think about Dal that much once we secure that elusive CAN acceptance. All it takes is one!


Simply trying to get some positive vibes going here. Too much pessimism here imho :).

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I'd just like to take this time to highlight the #fail of dal's waitlist system this year...straight from the FAQ portion of the admissions website:


What are my chances of getting a seat of I am on the waiting list?

This varies from year to year and we will tell you where you are on the waiting list and how many were accepted the previous year. We will also update our website with any changes to the waitlist on a weekly basis.


Gotta love false advertising and keeping us on edge in order to salvage your school's rep...

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I'd just like to take this time to highlight the #fail of dal's waitlist system this year...straight from the FAQ portion of the admissions website:


What are my chances of getting a seat of I am on the waiting list?

This varies from year to year and we will tell you where you are on the waiting list and how many were accepted the previous year. We will also update our website with any changes to the waitlist on a weekly basis.


Gotta love false advertising and keeping us on edge in order to salvage your school's rep...


You also gotta love the typo :rolleyes:

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I called late last week. Never updated you guys (I'm cold hearted!!!). Carolyn was sick (:() for a little while, so I assume that's what caused the delay. I hope she's back and in good health now!


So... who's next up?


Did they say when?


She wouldn't say, and she didn't even answer my question when I first asked. She's like "we can't give out that information". Than I'm like "I know 1 or 2 people (aka pm101 people) who declined their offer and were in the OOP pool - so will you be sending acceptances to those on the wait list?" Than she gave me a pretty generic answer, basically saying that they have started to send them out. Wouldn't say if it was today, or yesterday, or whenever.


And I agree with what you said GGGsaint, but I figured at least ONE person in our little group of like 10 (maybe less?) OOP people would get off the wait list. Here's hoping good news comes on May 5th/13th :cool:

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Hey guys, I just figured I'd keep you in the loop. The DP Guide committee met today, and we've set some dates for ourselves regarding when it should be finished by. The date we're setting is May 4th, but it's possible that we'll be done earlier (or perhaps a bit later). Nevertheless, it will be out shortly!!! I know how thirsty for information newly accepted med students can be, haha.

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Hey guys, I just figured I'd keep you in the loop. The DP Guide committee met today, and we've set some dates for ourselves regarding when it should be finished by. The date we're setting is May 4th, but it's possible that we'll be done earlier (or perhaps a bit later). Nevertheless, it will be out shortly!!! I know how thirsty for information newly accepted med students can be, haha.


Thanks for the update!

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its already pretty late in halifax...The disorganized nature of this school angers me


If you move out here (or currently live here), you will learn to love and hate the "lackadaisical" or slower pace that things can sometimes move out here. I love being able to have a quick conversation with the person who serves me my Tim's... but I hate waiting in line while the staff yaks with customers instead of focusing on efficiency :P


I think it is part of the east coast charm. It would be nice if they would adhere to their posted deadlines though!

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And Queens is off to a head start with a midnight release (I'm just opening this up to jokes apparently). Congrats to so far 2 of the Waiting...PM regulars on Queens acceptances.


On another positive note, now the Dal WL has the potential to actually move :)

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I'll be sending my email to Carolyn this morning taking myself out of Dal's class for next year. I really hope this brings good news to someone on the waitlist from pm101.


Good luck pm101 waitlisters! You have been a patient bunch!

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I'll be sending my email to Carolyn this morning taking myself out of Dal's class for next year. I really hope this brings good news to someone on the waitlist from pm101.


Good luck pm101 waitlisters! You have been a patient bunch!


Congrats chrail!! And HBP, and Addy K, GGGSaint, etc. Nice to see so many of our dal regulars get good news!!

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I did a little recon and figured out that 22 people have posted as OOP WL, 5 accepted OOP in the Dal forum.


2 of the Accepted OOP have received acceptance elsewhere that they are taking (congrats!)


15 of the WL OOP have received offers elsewhere. However Dal may be #1 for them but either way Congrats! you all earned it :)


I'll update this if/when it changes as there are still a lot of acceptances to come!

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