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Interview Waitlist

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I haven't been able to find too much info on this. Does anyone have a general idea about how many people are put on the interview waitlist?


Also, why an interview waitlist at all? From the stats, McMaster interviews ~550 for 203 spots. Having an interview waitlist doesn't seem to make much sense unless Mac has experienced significant numbers of interview cancellations in past years and I can't really see that many people turning down interviews. I don't have an issue with the waitlist, it just doesn't make sense to me. Any insight, thoughts?

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also the rationale is that it's mmi,


there is an exact number of people required for an exact number of spots, because some stations you work together. so it helps them to have the right number of spots filled when people cancel, and they do if they get early acceptance out east etc. I actually met a bunch of people who had already been accepted at my interview weekends.

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Definitely the waitlist will move. People who get acceptances out east have been known to cancel their Mac interviews. In addition, you should note that there are 2 waitlists. One for IP and one for OOP applicants. Because of the shear greater number of IP applicants to OOP applicants, the IP waitlist tends to move more. Good luck!

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Thanks for the info guys. Does anyone know the deadline to respond to the interview invite? I guess the waitlist won't really move until after that date? Also, does anyone know the approximate number of people on the IP/OOP interview waitlists? I know I can't do anything but wait now, but I'm just curious about the numbers.

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Thanks for the info guys. Does anyone know the deadline to respond to the interview invite? I guess the waitlist won't really move until after that date? Also, does anyone know the approximate number of people on the IP/OOP interview waitlists? I know I can't do anything but wait now, but I'm just curious about the numbers.
The deadline to respond is Feb 11th. So I guess the waitlisters will hear back sometime after that date.
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The waitlist is still up. I asked admissions and they said they don't resolve the waitlist until the final interviews are complete. I don't think it's very likely to get an interview at this point though...I think it's way more likely for people to turn down the initial invitation rather than cancel the interview 2 weeks before.

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The waitlist is still up. I asked admissions and they said they don't resolve the waitlist until the final interviews are complete. I don't think it's very likely to get an interview at this point though...I think it's way more likely for people to turn down the initial invitation and I doubt many, if any, cancel the interview 2 weeks before.

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Some applicants for maritime and Quebec medical schools might have already received their acceptances and may cancel their McMaster interview.


I believe I have just benefited from this. I just got a very unexpected interview offer from Mac! I'm so psyched. I did not think I would get off the waitlist. Good luck to anyone else on the waitlist.

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