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Help! Question for Med 1,2,3

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Hey Guys,

Please don't judge me as you read this...

I was totally crushed yesterday to find out that I failed HPOP!!! Do any Blobfish or Kakapos have any advice me? Have you ever done a re-write? Thoughts?

I just barely didn't make the cut and I had studied all the week before cancelling my AMSCAR trip. I really felt like I understood the material but I am not so sure I'll pass the re-write if the questions are going to be like this. I am thinking about going into anesthesiology and was wondering if this would totally kill my chances :(

If you're in the same boat please let me know how you're coping...


Thanks guys!

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Hey Help. I know exactly how you feel. I also came out of that exam feeling terrible about how the questions were worded. I am also going to have to do the rewrite as well. You should check out the student handbook, I think they are pretty understanding of us first years failing a course. Let me know if you ever want to talk.

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At UofA, if you fail a block exam/PCC then you have to do the remedial exam. If you pass the remedial exam, nothing goes on your record and everyone goes home happy. If you fail the remedial exam, that's where the trouble starts. I can't imagine that UofC's policy would be much different. I'm sure you will be fine in the end but totally understandable that you feel pretty devastated at this point.

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At UofA, if you fail a block exam/PCC then you have to do the remedial exam. If you pass the remedial exam, nothing goes on your record and everyone goes home happy. If you fail the remedial exam, that's where the trouble starts. I can't imagine that UofC's policy would be much different. I'm sure you will be fine in the end but totally understandable that you feel pretty devastated at this point.


not 100% positive, but i think @ the u of c, even passing the re-write will show up on your file as pass 'with remediation'. If you fail the re-write, you may end up going to SARC who has the ability to discipline students (i.e. repeat the year).

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PRE-CLERKSHIP - If you fail an exam you do a rewrite. If you pass the rewrite this does not show up on your transcript and will have no impact on your CaRMS applications. If you fail the rewrite you go before SARC and most likely have to repeat the year.

If you fail >1 exam in pre-clerkship you have to go before SARC as well and from what I understand people in these circumstances repeat the year as well.


CLERKSHIP - If you fail an exam you do a rewrite - regardless of whether you pass or fail the rewrite this goes on your transcript and will likely adversely affect your CaRMS application if the exam you fail occurs prior to your Dean's Letter going to CaRMS. Don't know what happens if you fail a rewrite in clerkship

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