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It's close to home. I have very little experience with other provinces but from what I'm told Manitobans are generally friendlier. We have a relatively small class size so you get to know everyone. I think we have the second lowest tuition in Canada, and Winnipeg's not too expensive to live in compared to other cities.

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It's close to home. I have very little experience with other provinces but from what I'm told Manitobans are generally friendlier. We have a relatively small class size so you get to know everyone. I think we have the second lowest tuition in Canada, and Winnipeg's not too expensive to live in compared to other cities.


It is very true that Manitobans are very friendly! At least compared to people in "big" cities in Ontario. When I moved from Winnipeg to Ottawa, I would always say hi to my neighbours. The only people who would ever say "hi" back were a couple from Regina who had moved to Ottawa. So I definitely found the people in Winnipeg were much friendlier than the people in Ottawa, at least those in the neighbourhoods in which I lived.

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plus, based on icebowl 2010, we're definitely the coolest med students around.


and seriously, we get way more clinical experience in 3rd/4th year than other med schools. so that's awesome.


Based on OMSW and MedGames, Ottawa definitely has the coolest med students around.


It is very true that Manitobans are very friendly! At least compared to people in "big" cities in Ontario. When I moved from Winnipeg to Ottawa, I would always say hi to my neighbours. The only people who would ever say "hi" back were a couple from Regina who had moved to Ottawa. So I definitely found the people in Winnipeg were much friendlier than the people in Ottawa, at least those in the neighbourhoods in which I lived.


I think that's very subjective. It all depends where you live and go to in those cities. I've definitely met a comparable proportion of friendly people in Ottawa. If you're to say compare med school classes, we have a very diverse class, with people from all over Canada, with at least someone representing each province from East to West.


To the OP, I think it depends on what factors matter most to you when you're choosing a school. Whether the city, the school's program, tuition, family, etc.

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.... Oh yeah?


according to everyone i've talked to, we actually get to participate more in patient care here than students at other med schools generally do. apparently it has something to do with how we have fewer residents, etc who are in line ahead of us to do procedures, etc. so instead of watching a resident do a lumbar puncture, the attending teaches us how. have also heard from residents coming from other med schools to here for training that there's more hands-on clinical work here as well.

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according to everyone i've talked to, we actually get to participate more in patient care here than students at other med schools generally do. apparently it has something to do with how we have fewer residents, etc who are in line ahead of us to do procedures, etc. so instead of watching a resident do a lumbar puncture, the attending teaches us how. have also heard from residents coming from other med schools to here for training that there's more hands-on clinical work here as well.


Yeah I'm looking forward to doing electives in other places and being able to say I've already done some of those procedures.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys,

I am still undecided between U of Manitoba and another medical school. I am just wondering if those who are currently at U of Manitoba could give me some insights.

Do you think the program at U of M prepare you for successful placement of residency? What are some extracurricular activities that are available to students? How satisfied are you with the school so far? How are the professors, mentors, preceptors treating you?

I apologize for so many questions! thanks for your time.

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according to everyone i've talked to, we actually get to participate more in patient care here than students at other med schools generally do. apparently it has something to do with how we have fewer residents, etc who are in line ahead of us to do procedures, etc. so instead of watching a resident do a lumbar puncture, the attending teaches us how. have also heard from residents coming from other med schools to here for training that there's more hands-on clinical work here as well.


100 pelvic exams and counting!


It depends how pro-active you are at getting procedures. If you jump on every procedure, your attending will be more willing to let you do more stuff. Of course it's preceptor dependent too!


My Oh Yeah was an OH YEAH sarcastic after a day of work :P oh yeah. We have more clinical responsibilities as well.

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100 pelvic exams and counting!


It depends how pro-active you are at getting procedures. If you jump on every procedure, your attending will be more willing to let you do more stuff. Of course it's preceptor dependent too!


My Oh Yeah was an OH YEAH sarcastic after a day of work :P oh yeah. We have more clinical responsibilities as well.


the prospect of carrying these clinical responsibilities is both exciting and absolutely terrifying. here's hoping i don't kill/maim anyone in september lol

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