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Hi all,


I thought I would post this here and see what the pros think:


What are my chances of getting in?



GPA (according to OMSAS): 3.69


ECs: volunteered at the hospital (with nurses and leading a team of other volunteers at the information desk) for 2 years, volunteered with Heart and Stroke Foundation for nearly a year (led a team of volunteers during Heart Month campaign, and was part of the CPP program), worked as a tutor for nearly 2 years (tutored high school kids math and sciences), worked as camp counsellor for 4 summers in high school years (especially worked with special needs children and won award for it)

Degree(s): BSc and MSc (working on it now)

Publications: expecting/hoping to be first author on one, and an author on another one

Won awards/scholarships during grad years

Did very well on my grad courses (A and A- by UofC standards)


Thanks for the input!

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Based on how things are scored now, you will have a low chance because of your cgpa. UBC started giving out academic points differently this year and this caused the average GPA's of applicants invited to interview to significantly increase, especially for OOP where the average was around 90% (essentially 3.95). Even with a very high non-academic score it would be quite difficult to meet the interview cut-off. Your 3.69 should get you around 81%.


That being said, if things change this year with how they score the academics (as they've said it would), your chances will likely improve. Check their website or these forums at the end of March for an update.


Good luck!

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Hi all,


I thought I would post this here and see what the pros think:


What are my chances of getting in?



GPA (according to OMSAS): 3.69


ECs: volunteered at the hospital (with nurses and leading a team of other volunteers at the information desk) for 2 years, volunteered with Heart and Stroke Foundation for nearly a year (led a team of volunteers during Heart Month campaign, and was part of the CPP program), worked as a tutor for nearly 2 years (tutored high school kids math and sciences), worked as camp counsellor for 4 summers in high school years (especially worked with special needs children and won award for it)

Degree(s): BSc and MSc (working on it now)

Publications: expecting/hoping to be first author on one, and an author on another one

Won awards/scholarships during grad years

Did very well on my grad courses (A and A- by UofC standards)


Thanks for the input!


Well, being OOP means you have to hit a pretty high number on the NAQ + AQ score- about 38/50...


On average the OOP applicants offered interviews had GPA's in the 90% range... from the OMSAS table a 3.7 sits in the A- range so UBC would probably assign a conversion to 80%... which would put you at or around the minimum to have a full file review as an OOP applicant.


Having an around 80% average is really good, but OOP applicants have to hit higher numbers to make the cut. I think that would get you somewhere around a 15 on the AQ score so you'd need to get somewhere around a 22 or 23 NAQ, which is very very difficult.


So, I would say- that you can apply and see where you stand, but I wouldn't count on UBC as your number one priority unless you were able to get IP status.


Good luck!


p.s. I should note that the school has indicated they will be changing how the AQ is scored, but we don't know what that means or how it will benefit applicants next year. 2012 applications open June 1st so we should have a clearer picture before then.


Edit: started writing this post around 120... Tank and I are clearly on the same page.

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Hi all,


I thought I would post this here and see what the pros think:


What are my chances of getting in?



GPA (according to OMSAS): 3.69


ECs: volunteered at the hospital (with nurses and leading a team of other volunteers at the information desk) for 2 years, volunteered with Heart and Stroke Foundation for nearly a year (led a team of volunteers during Heart Month campaign, and was part of the CPP program), worked as a tutor for nearly 2 years (tutored high school kids math and sciences), worked as camp counsellor for 4 summers in high school years (especially worked with special needs children and won award for it)

Degree(s): BSc and MSc (working on it now)

Publications: expecting/hoping to be first author on one, and an author on another one

Won awards/scholarships during grad years

Did very well on my grad courses (A and A- by UofC standards)


Thanks for the input!


looks pretty good/solid i'd say go ahead and apply because you would not know otherwise. you never know ;)

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Hi all,


I thought I would post this here and see what the pros think:


What are my chances of getting in?



GPA (according to OMSAS): 3.69


ECs: volunteered at the hospital (with nurses and leading a team of other volunteers at the information desk) for 2 years, volunteered with Heart and Stroke Foundation for nearly a year (led a team of volunteers during Heart Month campaign, and was part of the CPP program), worked as a tutor for nearly 2 years (tutored high school kids math and sciences), worked as camp counsellor for 4 summers in high school years (especially worked with special needs children and won award for it)

Degree(s): BSc and MSc (working on it now)

Publications: expecting/hoping to be first author on one, and an author on another one

Won awards/scholarships during grad years

Did very well on my grad courses (A and A- by UofC standards)


Thanks for the input!


Money down the drain..... sorry for being so blunt.


I don't think the AQ would be 15. In another one of these posts, someone posted their omsas 3.89 as getting 18 and another posted cgpa of 82 getting 13.


Hoping for a publication is the same as have no publication. You can't write that in your application. Until it is accepted for print, it has no weight. So from what I gathered, you volunteered around at several places typical of other premedical students. Ergo, your NAQ would be average.


Someone also posted this:


For comparison, I got 13.89 on NAQ and had:


40 hours at volunteer homework club

50 hours as event coordinator for club on campus

30 hours volunteering at long-term care center

10 hours at another homework club

15 hours at Heart and Stroke Foundation

7 hours at campus clinic events volunteer

191 hours at emergency department

140 hours as undergrad research volunteer

150 hours recreational

16 hours CPR/First Aid


Looks familiar?


PS: If you need to dig deep into high school (especially someone who's in grad school), you will need to do a lot more now to bump those activities off the list or else its not gonna look good.

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Well, being OOP means you have to hit a pretty high number on the NAQ + AQ score- about 38/50...


On average the OOP applicants offered interviews had GPA's in the 90% range... from the OMSAS table a 3.7 sits in the A- range so UBC would probably assign a conversion to 80%... which would put you at or around the minimum to have a full file review as an OOP applicant.


Having an around 80% average is really good, but OOP applicants have to hit higher numbers to make the cut. I think that would get you somewhere around a 15 on the AQ score so you'd need to get somewhere around a 22 or 23 NAQ, which is very very difficult.


So, I would say- that you can apply and see where you stand, but I wouldn't count on UBC as your number one priority unless you were able to get IP status.


Good luck!


p.s. I should note that the school has indicated they will be changing how the AQ is scored, but we don't know what that means or how it will benefit applicants next year. 2012 applications open June 1st so we should have a clearer picture before then.


Edit: started writing this post around 120... Tank and I are clearly on the same page.


+1 ...... g'luck :)

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I think you gpa is too low...I'm not too sure how UBC looks at grad school grades... I think you would have a better chance at a school like U of T


UBC generally don't care about high school ECs...I still put 1 down cuz I felt it was significant.

What kind of work experiences do you have?


Hi all,


I thought I would post this here and see what the pros think:


What are my chances of getting in?



GPA (according to OMSAS): 3.69


ECs: volunteered at the hospital (with nurses and leading a team of other volunteers at the information desk) for 2 years, volunteered with Heart and Stroke Foundation for nearly a year (led a team of volunteers during Heart Month campaign, and was part of the CPP program), worked as a tutor for nearly 2 years (tutored high school kids math and sciences), worked as camp counsellor for 4 summers in high school years (especially worked with special needs children and won award for it)

Degree(s): BSc and MSc (working on it now)

Publications: expecting/hoping to be first author on one, and an author on another one

Won awards/scholarships during grad years

Did very well on my grad courses (A and A- by UofC standards)


Thanks for the input!

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Well, being OOP means you have to hit a pretty high number on the NAQ + AQ score- about 38/50...


On average the OOP applicants offered interviews had GPA's in the 90% range... from the OMSAS table a 3.7 sits in the A- range so UBC would probably assign a conversion to 80%... which would put you at or around the minimum to have a full file review as an OOP applicant.


Having an around 80% average is really good, but OOP applicants have to hit higher numbers to make the cut. I think that would get you somewhere around a 15 on the AQ score so you'd need to get somewhere around a 22 or 23 NAQ, which is very very difficult.


So, I would say- that you can apply and see where you stand, but I wouldn't count on UBC as your number one priority unless you were able to get IP status.


Good luck!


p.s. I should note that the school has indicated they will be changing how the AQ is scored, but we don't know what that means or how it will benefit applicants next year. 2012 applications open June 1st so we should have a clearer picture before then.


Edit: started writing this post around 120... Tank and I are clearly on the same page.


80% = between 10 or 11 out of 25 on the AQ score. Brutal, I know. GPA is becoming increasingly more important for applying to med at UBC.

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  • 2 weeks later...
80% = between 10 or 11 out of 25 on the AQ score. Brutal, I know. GPA is becoming increasingly more important for applying to med at UBC.


I had an 80.1% overall with just over 82% last 60 and received < 10 on my AQ.


Also, regarding the OP's NAQ, let's just say I have more than all of your hours in a single entry and I scored below average for my NAQ.


I have zero intent in getting your hopes down. I just hope this will keep you (and some other posters) realistic.

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