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Reference Letters

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Sorry for asking such a dumb question but I am applying to THREE Canadian and THREE American med schools this year; that comes to SIX schools so I'll need 6 reference letters from my professor.


So I'm really confused! Do I ask my prof to write a letter of reference for me SIX times?! :eek: I'm pretty much sure she wouldn't as she must be really busy all the time!

And as long as I know, med schools require original letters of reference not copies.


So what should I do?!!:confused:

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Don't worry about it! Reference letters are all pretty similar, so it's not a big deal to ask someone for 6. Plus if those Canadian schools happen to all be in Ontario, it's a common application anyway, so it'll only be one letter for those schools. Even if it is six separate letters, though, she can use the same one. There's usually a form they have to fill out then they have to attach the letter. She can just fill out the forms and attach the same letter. The med schools aren't going to check with each other to make sure she didn't send them all the exact same thing. :) Profs are used to writing letters, and they know you're going to apply to several schools. When I was applying for PhD programs, I applied to 5 schools and no one minded writing 5 letters for me.

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For the three US schools (assuming they are not in Texas), your referee would only need to submit one letter to Washington (AMCAS).


For any Ontario schools it is also one letter. For any other Canadian schools it is individual.


Pain in the butt yes, but not too bad!

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Don't worry about it! Reference letters are all pretty similar, so it's not a big deal to ask someone for 6. Plus if those Canadian schools happen to all be in Ontario, it's a common application anyway, so it'll only be one letter for those schools. Even if it is six separate letters, though, she can use the same one. There's usually a form they have to fill out then they have to attach the letter. She can just fill out the forms and attach the same letter. The med schools aren't going to check with each other to make sure she didn't send them all the exact same thing. :) Profs are used to writing letters, and they know you're going to apply to several schools.



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