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I have a tough choice. I'm in my second semester of first year, and my GPA isn't that good.


I calculated that I will have a GPA of 3.3 (27 credits) or a 3.07(30 credits). This is because of my econ course which I got a D in.


Now my question is would it be better to drop my econ course for which I got a D in and risk my chances at med schools that require a full course load. Or should I drop the course and save my GPA.


I know that if I drop it, I won't be applicable for UofT's weighted formula, and I think to even apply at western you need to have a full course load all four years?


Also though if I decide to apply to any american med school, that D in econ I think would effect me a lot.


So i'm just really confused on what I should do, any help?

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I'd relax a little bit. Most people I know have very poor first years, even those with very good grades; you're doing better than a lot of them, actually. I'd finish Econ this year and not take it again, and in the short term maybe figure out why you're having such a tough time with it... first year economics is usually a 'gimme course' in my experience, which is certainly nothing like yours so may not apply. Could you get a tutor, or devote more time to the class? Or is it just too late to fix your grade?

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Its only first year grades....so relax. I would keep that economics courses to keep the 30 credits.....as you said, that will ensure that you are eligible for UofT's weighted formula, given that you take 30 credits during the next 3 years.


For Western, they look at the best 2 years and only those years need to have 30 credits. So, its not necessary to have 30 credits in every year. However, their GPA cutoff is 3.7/4.0 which must be met in each of the 2 years that are being considered your best two years......even if you were to drop the econ course, your GPA for first year will probably not go above 3.7 for first year.


Yes, having a D will affect you at Mac and US schools.....but there are other areas of the application that they look at as well.....for Mac, if you do well in the rest of your courses and on the verbal and casper part of the application, you still have a chance. For US schools, MCAT is huge, have good EC's and an increasing trend is also looked at very favorably.


So, (IMO) dropping the course will not help in any significant manner and it will have the negative consequence of not being eligible for UofT's weighted formula. If I were you, I would keep the course/credits....its a pass, so there is no need to repeat it. Look forward and make sure to get good marks in the rest of the courses you have to take in the coming years......good luck!

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Seems like just keeping that course on my transcript would be better, just wish I knew this before.


Btw I had taken econ first semester (because everyone said it was a bird course), however I had never taken it before or any other business course. I would just not study and go into tests and exams thinking i'l do well, and by the time exam came I had planned on dropping the course.


Also for western, I was reading somewhere, that to be applicable to apply you need a full course load EVERY YEAR, and than they apply the weighting formula if necessary?


I had another plan to negate this mark though, I was thinking of taking prerequisites in the summer, and thus taking more courses by the end of fourth year to have a higher chance.


Sorry I'm just a bit freaking out, I've seen so many great GPA's, and wGPA's being rejected from UofT and thinking most med schools will have their standards near them. Looking at those my 3.07 just doesn't seem to cut it right now...

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Sorry I'm just a bit freaking out, I've seen so many great GPA's, and wGPA's being rejected from UofT and thinking most med schools will have their standards near them. Looking at those my 3.07 just doesn't seem to cut it right now...

Mate, you're in first year. Cool your jets, work hard, and try to live and enjoy your life a little before panicking about something half a decade down the road. You're thinking way too much about this.

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The links above may clarify the process :).


Western doesn't require you to take a full course load every year in order for them to consider your best two years. What they will consider is the two years with the highest GPA, 3/5 courses corresponding your year of study and a full course load. The requirements only apply to the years that will be considered.


My advice would be to look at the schools you want to apply to individually and see how dropping the course will affect your application to those schools. In the long run, one bad course or less than a full course load for one year will not affect you significantly at most schools (like other people have state previously). Med school's do allow for mistakes :)


You will need an average higher than a 3.07 to get into medicine but keep in mind that you are in first year and you have lots of time to improve as well. Its good that you're aware that you need to get your GPA up there, but don't freak out... re-evaluate how you are studying & figure out how to improve. If med school is what you really want, keep working hard for it :)!!

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I had another plan to negate this mark though, I was thinking of taking prerequisites in the summer, and thus taking more courses by the end of fourth year to have a higher chance.

I'm sorry but I don't understand this plan; how does this negate your econ mark?

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depends on where you think you would rather go if you had a choice between the two - UofT or Mac... if you like UofT med school better, don't drop it... if you prefer Mac, drop it... because Queens, Western, and a lot of OOP med schools will completely ignore a bad first year... even American schools probably wouldn't care much, because they are very mcat heavy and hollistic, so they look at everything else as well as trends, and are able to ignore anomalies... but if you drop it, you are essentially finished at UofT (unless you get straight 4.0 for the rest of university, and even then you'd be on the much lower end, GPA-wise, and would have to be exceptional elsewhere...)... although if you keep it, your chances at Mac plummet... however, even keeping it, your chances at Mac aren't great, because a bad first year will haunt you there more than anywhere else... but if you do very well for the rest of university, and well on mcat verbal, you'd definitely have a shot


since you're in first year, my opinion would be to just keep it... especially because assuming you stepped up huge and started getting very solid marks for the rest of uni, UofT could essentially ignore almost your entire first year, whereas dropping it, the 3.3 is still not a good start for Mac... regardless of your decision, as a side note, i'm sure you know that you are going to have to do much better overall, aside from that one course, to give yourself any real chance

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