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Will They Take Away My Interview?!?!


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HELP! :(


I got an interview from Western over a month ago. I read through the email, signed up for an interview time and received confirmation of an interview time. Just now I checked the email (my interview is tomorrow) and there is one line near the bottom that says we are supposed to EMAIL THE OFFICE to CONFIRM our interview date and time!! I forgot! Does this mean that I've lost my interview? :(

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HELP! :(


I got an interview from Western over a month ago. I read through the email, signed up for an interview time and received confirmation of an interview time. Just now I checked the email (my interview is tomorrow) and there is one line near the bottom that says we are supposed to EMAIL THE OFFICE to CONFIRM our interview date and time!! I forgot! Does this mean that I've lost my interview? :(


I did the exact same thing last year! I missed the line that said email to confirm. But i still showed up, and I convinced myself that I would not lose my interview. I printed off my invite, and my confirmation and brought it w/ me, ready to show proof!! lol. But they didn't yell at me or anything of the sort! I just signed in, showed my ID, and went and mingled until interview time!


You're fine! :)

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HELP! :(


I got an interview from Western over a month ago. I read through the email, signed up for an interview time and received confirmation of an interview time. Just now I checked the email (my interview is tomorrow) and there is one line near the bottom that says we are supposed to EMAIL THE OFFICE to CONFIRM our interview date and time!! I forgot! Does this mean that I've lost my interview? :(


Same thing happened to me 2 years ago :) It worked out fine :)


Good luck on your interview!

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