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Any kind souls out there interviewing on March 26...

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That would be willing to switch with me?

I'm on the 27th, but also have Mac then


Leslie says she has no other spots open, so I was hoping to find someone here who might be able to help me out here...


Sorry to ask...but if Leslie said that there are no other spots open, does that automatically mean people that didn't hear will get a rejection for sure? :( thanks!

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Wow..that is really bad news... I thought she said they have no specific number of interview spots in mind...so did some of us wait this long for nothing? I have to say I'm extremely disappointed.. :(


There could be many interpretations to that. Just to allay your fears, here's one: They've chosen all the candidates, but just haven't gotten around to notifying them yet. In that case, you may have not waited in vain.


Another interpretation could be that there are no more interview dates scheduled, march weekend of 25-27th, being the last one, hence "all interview spots are full" so-to-speak, thus no more spots available to the candidate in question.


Or, the adcoms don't want to have a hand in switching dates for candidates, and have made this statement so that the candidate can take matters into his/her own hands and set up a switch on their own initiative.


The last one is just a hypothesis mind you. But moral of the story, try not to fret. Your application is in, and all you have to do is patiently wait.

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Wow..that is really bad news... I thought she said they have no specific number of interview spots in mind...so did some of us wait this long for nothing? I have to say I'm extremely disappointed.. :(
I know the wait is tough, but you never know what's happening at UofT in regards to the number of interviews being offered. Don't take something Leslie said to one applicant to mean something much larger.
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