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expired courses retaken GPA?


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Hi all, I have a small question yet couldn't find the answer even after consulting the advisors.


I had completed prerequisite courses (ie: general chem, bio, organic, physic, etc) during my 1st B.Sc, but it was a long time ago, and they will be expired based on the 8 years rule by 2012. So, if I retake those prerequisites in 2011, how will the GPA or the grades of those classes be counted?


Secondly, I got A in my Physics, but that was like ... 7 years ago, and I haven't touched physic since then. So, I am kinda worry if I would get the same grade as before this time. What happen if I get a bit lower this time?

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Each school has different requirements. UBC, for example has a 10 year rule, not an 8 year rule. Your courses would still count for UBC. UofC vet med. is the same, but I'm not sure about the med program. Other schools, such as McMaster and UofA consider your entire academic history regardless of how old your data happens to be (although UofA will drop your lowest full credit year from cGPA calculation). You should check the requirements for each university at which you plan to apply. If your courses are too old, then yes, you will need to redo them.

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