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CaRMS referees - thank you card or more?

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Probably depends on the nature of your relationship with the letter writer.. if your association was short and less personal (2 week rotation), they might not expect a gift, while if they have supported your goals through the years, a thoughtful gift would likely be appreciated. Personally, I gave all my letter writers a token of appreciation because I felt truly grateful for their support (could not have made it through CaRMS without those letters, and that's a fact). For remote letter writers, I sent boxes of chocolates through the mail.


I think it is good etiquette to follow up with the people who have helped you.. I have heard referees complain about students who don't notify them of their match results. Hopefully you didn't tell them you were applying *only* to family medicine.. it's very common to apply to more than one field, and be satisfied with either. They will likely find out at some point anyway - better to tell them now than disappoint them even more by not following up with them - IMO.

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What about if you didn't match? Do you still thank your referees? What if one of them backstabbed you?


I didn't contact a few of my referees because of our short term relationship (3 week elective periods). One of the referees I still regularly speak to - he's kind of a mentor and I did thank him personally. The other referee, another mentor of mine in the field I was interested in, I haven't spoken to since match day because I was too embarrassed - totally the wrong move.

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