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Accepting offers

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I have a few questions about offers of admission from the Ontario schools:


1. Do all Ontario schools send out all reject/accept/waitlist emails on May 5? To every single person who interviewed?


2. Do we accept/decline offers on OMSAS?


3. How long do we have to accept an offer? Say you get waitlisted at your favorite school, but get accepted to School X that you're not so keen about. How long can you wait for the waitlist to move before School X's offer becomes invalid?



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I have a few questions about offers of admission from the Ontario schools:


1. Do all Ontario schools send out all reject/accept/waitlist emails on May 5? To every single person who interviewed?




2. Do we accept/decline offers on OMSAS?


I think so. However, I think that some schools want you to email them as well.


3. How long do we have to accept an offer? Say you get waitlisted at your favorite school, but get accepted to School X that you're not so keen about. How long can you wait for the waitlist to move before School X's offer becomes invalid?


I think you have 3 weeks this year. If you're in that situation, you're pretty much going to have to accept the school you were accepted to.




I think that's how it works...correct me if I'm wrong anyone.

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Hey Neuronix, where'd you find out its three weeks this year? It was only 2 weeks last year. Also I remember a lot of the schools made a pact not to move their waitlists until initial offers had expired, any word on whether this will remain the case this year as well?


It's 3 weeks because OMSAS messed up, it was supposed to be released on May 13. To be fair to the Western province schools, OMSAS is 3 weeks, Western province schools are 2 weeks.


There was no pact like that. UofT was sending waitlist offers during the initial offer period.

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