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dropping courses

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Hey, this is my first post and just needed some advice.


So my question is if it would look bad to have two dropped courses from the same semester on my transcript? If I did drop them I would still have 31 credits on the year so I believe that I would still have a full course load, I'm just not sure if having two W's would mean anything.


Oh and the reason that I'm thinking of dropping them is because i absolutely hate one course, and the other one has me a little worried might that I might get a B+, and I've already experienced how much that can hurt your GPA.


Thanks for the help!


ps. this is a great site, lots of info.

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How is it possible that you can drop two courses and still have a full course load?

Yes a B+ will hurt your cGPA a little, but a W will hurt you much more. Having two W's in one semester will probably raise some questions, and if your reason is you hated one course and didn't want a B+ you will be in trouble. Unless you're going to get a D or lower, don't drop it.

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^with two W on your transcript, they might ask you for an explanation in interviews... I don't think it would be a good idea to drop a course simply because it's not interesting or you'll end up with a B+. My reasoning is, even in med school, you'll definitely encounter things you are not interested in, and would you tell them that you'll give up or avoid that course simply because it's too difficult or it's not interesting? Of course not! But that will be the message you are sending if you ended up dropping. I think it's better to stick with it and try your best for the remainder of the term. Best of luck!


EDIT: Sorry I don't mean to sound so harsh. :P.

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Clever, I actually took 18 credits first semester and if I dropped two courses I'd have 13 this semester.


To deliciousman no you weren't to hard, I did sound very whiny especially about the course I don't like. Its just very frustrating how much like 1 percent can change your grade. I don't know I guess I might swell just stick it out for a month. Ps I would never say I dropped a course because I didn't like it in an interview:rolleyes:


Thanks for the advice


Edit: The thing is I just keep hearing here and elsewhere that GPA is everything and i'm worried that I wont be able to compete with others grades unless I start doing what others are doing and just taking a alot of bird classes, doing whatever I can to get as close as I can to a 4.0

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How many total classes is that?

GPA is extremely important, but withdrawing from the course so it wouldn't affect your GPA won't do as much good as you think. UofC med said that 1 or 2 W's aren't a problem, but any more will raise a red flag. If you drop a course simply because you didn't like it, or you were going to get a B+ you wouldn't be able to drop a course you really needed to later on (if the situation were to arise.)

If you're overloading yourself with courses, how do you have time for EC's?

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weird, i got a good academic score at u of c and i had 3 withdrawals (maybe 4, don't remember)


it all depends on what school you're applying too, if the marking isn't subjective (u of c) and you still have a full course load i think you'd be fine


How many total classes is that?

GPA is extremely important, but withdrawing from the course so it wouldn't affect your GPA won't do as much good as you think. UofC med said that 1 or 2 W's aren't a problem, but any more will raise a red flag. If you drop a course simply because you didn't like it, or you were going to get a B+ you wouldn't be able to drop a course you really needed to later on (if the situation were to arise.)

If you're overloading yourself with courses, how do you have time for EC's?

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