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Sudbury Interview = b!tch slap?

Guest booya

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Guest booya

I was just wondering if I was the only one who thought the interview this past weekend was rather ridiculous? Sure some of the questions were pretty straight forward bu I've interviewed at NOSM before and I was definitely not prepared for what was thrown at us this time.


Without mentioning topics/questions/confidentiality...blah, blah,blah...what do you all think?

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Guest booya

ahh darn, the intentions of that message were definitely not meant to stress people out - I'm sorry about that. Now I wish I could say more and I hope this isn't breaching confidentiality but the best way to describe it would be to say it was very random and vague..that being said, I didn't feel the questions were like this last year so anything could happen for the interviews at the end of the month. If I can suggest anything I would recommend that you think of things outside of the regular med-school interview box. Regardless, best of luck, do your best, and I hope things go well for you guys!

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I didn't interview there yet, but this does sound like something a few schools did. Some really off-topic choices. I suppose there is not much you can really do about it. Do you feel you might be just be thinking about the worst? Maybe it wasn't too bad.



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ahh darn, the intentions of that message were definitely not meant to stress people out - I'm sorry about that. Now I wish I could say more and I hope this isn't breaching confidentiality but the best way to describe it would be to say it was very random and vague..that being said, I didn't feel the questions were like this last year so anything could happen for the interviews at the end of the month. If I can suggest anything I would recommend that you think of things outside of the regular med-school interview box. Regardless, best of luck, do your best, and I hope things go well for you guys!


Haha this definitely made me more nervous! But oh well. Calgary and UBC had some weird things too. Hopefully NOSM wont catch me completely off my guard. 400 interviews for ~60 spots... the interview is meant to cut off a large chunk! It's just scary how little of a ratio it is


But thanks man! I will definitely post here after I'm done mine and say how it went

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I found that the questions were very original... out of the 10 I had, there were maybe only 2 that I had ever even come across and I had prepared extensively for the interview. That being said, the questions all made sense to me and I do find that they allowed the interviewers to assess different areas of my knowledge. I really enjoyed the actual interview experience. I wasn't nervous at all and was able to just be myself and let my personality shine through.


The best advice that I can give is to expect at least one room to go badly. That way, when you get to a hard question (or a question that you feel you missed a lot of important things on), you can just accept it and shake it off. You get a fresh start at the next station, so try not to let it bother you or distract you from answering the next question.


The interviewers were very friendly and it was definitely not a stressful experience for me. I had fun and was actually kind of disappointed when it ended - it went by so fast! Just try to relax and I know that it's nerve-wracking not knowing what type of question you're going to get, but I didn't find that they were completely "out of the box", they just didn't stick to traditional (predictable) questions, which I almost like better (it tests your ability to communicate/reason on the spot).


Best of luck to the interviewees next weekend, hopefully many of us posters make it in next year!!

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I read in UBC section about writting station(s). And some other "new" surprises. Can we expect them at NOSM too? I know we have to be open minded and expect anything and everything, but I am curious about the writing stations. I hope the previous round of interviewees can weigh in, of course without breaking the oath of confidentiality :D

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I had my interview in Sudbury and I can agree that it was a fun experience. You're nervous before it starts but once you open your mouth and talk you forget all about nerves!

I felt the interviewers were all very friendly and nice. Some had more encouraging looks than others but that's to be expected. I think they're told to be as neutral as possible.


How were the interviews at Thunder Bay?


Btw, did anyone have a station where there was a complete change in atmosphere compared to the other stations? I don't want to give any specifics away because we signed that waiver, but I hope you guys understand what I mean.

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Btw, did anyone have a station where there was a complete change in atmosphere compared to the other stations? I don't want to give any specifics away because we signed that waiver, but I hope you guys understand what I mean.


I'm not sure what you mean exactly by change in atmosphere, but if you are talking about the station that I think you are, I thought it was amazing addition to the normal dreary med school interview questions, a lot of potential for unique answers.


I interviewed in the Thunder Bay and I found that on the whole the interview was really, really good. I agree with the OP that the questions were very different than previous years but I think it was a great change. At the end of it all I feel like they should have got a pretty good sense of who I was as an applicant.

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What I meant by a change in atmosphere was that I found all of my interviewers to be very friendly and encouraging, except for one station. the interviewer wasn't rude by any means, but I wasn't able to fully express one idea before receiving another question to answer. It was very fast paced and I felt like I wasn't able to finish my sentences properly before being asked the next question.

I was just wondering if this was a role the interviewer was playing or if he wasn't satisfied with my answers.

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What I meant by a change in atmosphere was that I found all of my interviewers to be very friendly and encouraging, except for one station. the interviewer wasn't rude by any means, but I wasn't able to fully express one idea before receiving another question to answer. It was very fast paced and I felt like I wasn't able to finish my sentences properly before being asked the next question.

I was just wondering if this was a role the interviewer was playing or if he wasn't satisfied with my answers.


I had a station EXACTLY like this. Also spoke to someone I knew who was on my circuit, and she said the exact same. I wouldn't worry too much about it!

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I had a station EXACTLY like this. Also spoke to someone I knew who was on my circuit, and she said the exact same. I wouldn't worry too much about it!


I also had one exactly like that! Funny thing is this was my first med school interview, and it was at my first station, so I was expecting all of the rest of the rooms to be like that. What a relief to find out it was just the one station!!

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this my third year interviewing. I didnt have any people like that this year, however during my first year I had a station with an interviewer I didnt seem to connect with. I think the interviewers all have their own style and some seem more distant than others. As for the fun station I totally loved it! I was sad when it was over :P

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this my third year interviewing. I didnt have any people like that this year, however during my first year I had a station with an interviewer I didnt seem to connect with. I think the interviewers all have their own style and some seem more distant than others. As for the fun station I totally loved it! I was sad when it was over :P



That's amazing you haven't given up! What have you been doing during these 3 years? Does the RN in your name stand for registered nurse by any chance? I ask because I was thinking of starting a nursing degree if I don't get accepted this year and I was wondering if that was a good idea/ if you have thoughts on this.


Which station was the fun station? The one with the board?

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I know many applicants have to try multiple times no matter what the medical school is. I'm just wondering what people do while they keep trying. Do a masters? Start another bachelor? Go into the work field?


This is my third try. I did another undergrad. I did a masters degree. Now I guess my plan B is to work. ;)

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This is my third try. I did another undergrad. I did a masters degree. Now I guess my plan B is to work. ;)


You must've rocked your interview though with all that knowledge!! Do you know if it becomes harder to get accepted once you're applying from the work field?


Have you considered Caribbean med schools? I'm starting to think about those in case I don't get accepted... I just wish there were less negative attitudes surrounding the competence of people graduating from the Caribbean. :(

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You must've rocked your interview though with all that knowledge!! Do you know if it becomes harder to get accepted once you're applying from the work field?


Have you considered Caribbean med schools? I'm starting to think about those in case I don't get accepted... I just wish there were less negative attitudes surrounding the competence of people graduating from the Caribbean. :(


I found it easier to answer the interview questions when you have work experience. For example, now I actually have examples of times I had to resolve an ethical issue with a dying patient. Interviewers seem to like it also when you tell them you have actual experience out of school.


Caribbean - I guess i'm still holding on to hope that I will get in sometime soon. When all hope is gone, I might consider it. :(

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