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Summer Opportunity

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Hello all,


I have the opportunity to go to the UK this summer and shadow several physicians to get a better understanding of life as a physician and the issues the health care system is facing over there. I was also planning on doing a bit of travelling as well. Do you think this would benefit my application? If so, what sort of things should I focus on while I'm there?



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If you can learn from it, gain experience, help people and develop skills in leadership and teamwork, then it is something worth doing and will benefit your application if you can appropriately word such things in applications/interviews.


Hello all,


I have the opportunity to go to the UK this summer and shadow several physicians to get a better understanding of life as a physician and the issues the health care system is facing over there. I was also planning on doing a bit of travelling as well. Do you think this would benefit my application? If so, what sort of things should I focus on while I'm there?



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