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I was an active member of a sorority throughout my undergrad and I mentioned the leadership positions as well as volunteer work I did with them on my application. Furthermore I used a letter of reference from one of our chapter advisors. I thought it represented a distinct side of me that my professors and research supervisor did not get to experience.


I got into med school


And many of my sisters are currently in medical school at multiple universities across Canada.


One of the best experiences of my life and I never regretted putting it into my med school application.

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I was an active member of a sorority throughout my undergrad and I mentioned the leadership positions as well as volunteer work I did with them on my application. Furthermore I used a letter of reference from one of our chapter advisors. I thought it represented a distinct side of me that my professors and research supervisor did not get to experience.


I got into med school


And many of my sisters are currently in medical school at multiple universities across Canada.


One of the best experiences of my life and I never regretted putting it into my med school application.


Thanks for the info.


I am transferring universities and the university I am going to, UWO, has a Greek system.

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Also, I don't think fraternities and sororities have as much of a reputation for just drinking and partying as they used to (at least not in Canada). I'm not in one, but I know people who are in sororities and they don't party any more than the average undergrad (actually they seem to party a lot less than some people I know!). I think most people realize that they do a lot of volunteer work and are a good social support system for the people in them. But it's just like any other club or organization you could join - if you put a lot into it, it'll look good on a med school app, but if you're just a member and you don't participate much, it's not going to be a good EC. I don't think it would ever look bad on an application, though, unless you put in the description something like, "I got to see the inner workings of hospital emergency rooms by getting alcohol poisoning every weekend." ;)

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