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To graduate or not

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I just finished a horrible science midterm today and I am worried that this is going to be my downfall.


Basically, my 1st and 3rd year marks are ok, but my 2nd year mark is absolute crap. I'm in 4th year right now, and I had a C+ on a science course last term. So this semester, I'm taking bunch of GPA boosters plus this horrible science courses to reduce the damage from last semester.


At the momemt, I have 2 interviews in Canadian schools, but considering that my 2 best year GPA is only 3.80ish, there is a good chance I won't get in, and if that ever happens, I am basically screwed if I don't get into med school this year.


I feel like I can't afford to lower my GPA for this year anymore. The problem is, because this course is a core science option, I won't graduate if I don't take this course. Last time I checked with U of A, they don't care if you graduate or not, as long as you "maintain" your GPA. The lady on the phone was hesitant about elaborating on what this "maintain your GPA" means. So if I don't graduate but get accepted into med after this year, then I'm a happy camper without a degree, but if I graduate but end up with ****ty GPA and not get in, then I'm fxxxxx.


If I don't graduate this year, I am planning on doing a minor in psychology or health science and then apply 1 year after, which will basically make me eligible for Western Ontario. Also, considering that I have a downward trend GPA, I could take 5th year to boost up the GPA.


Do you think I should drop this course and forget my degree? Or should I graduate with crappy GPA by taking this course? I understand that this doesn't look good or whatever, but last time I didn't drop out of that stupid bchem last semester I ended up with a horrible mark.


I am frustrated and lost right now, and I know that I'm such a dumb ass for taking difficult classes without thinking about my GPA, so constructive critism would be much appreicated.



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But suzie...you're already MD class of 2015. Don't you just have to maintain the minimum standard to keep your acceptance? I don't think you should forfeit your degree, especially since you already have acceptances. Or am I missing something here?


I don't think one C+ will drop you past meeting minimum standards anywhere...will it?

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How much do you see a C+ in a 1-semester class actually affecting your average? In your fourth year, you have so many courses already that it probably won't change much at all. Plus, if your other courses are alright, that'll dilute the C+ even further.


As for "MD Class of 2015", I assume that's not actually true... it's just a hopeful statement that will hopefully become true. :P

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But suzie...you're already MD class of 2015. Don't you just have to maintain the minimum standard to keep your acceptance? I don't think you should forfeit your degree, especially since you already have acceptances. Or am I missing something here?


I don't think one C+ will drop you past meeting minimum standards anywhere...will it?


Nono, my signature looks misleading... I just have interviews in Canada, so no acceptances yet until May.


If I end up with a B in that course this semester, I think my GPA would be lot lower (haven't calculated yet, but I'm looking at 3.5~3.6ish :( ) ; on the other hand, if I drop the course and just take 9 courses this year, I'll have ~3.7ish I think.


Since my 4th year GPA is pretty crappy anyway, I can just do a 5th year, get a double degree, and then apply in 2013, if I don't get accepted.

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Nono, my signature looks misleading... I just have interviews in Canada, so no acceptances yet until May.


If I end up with a B in that course this semester, I think my GPA would be lot lower (haven't calculated yet, but I'm looking at 3.5~3.6ish :( ) ; on the other hand, if I drop the course and just take 9 courses this year, I'll have ~3.7ish I think.


Since my 4th year GPA is pretty crappy anyway, I can just do a 5th year, get a double degree, and then apply in 2013, if I don't get accepted.


Since you've check with UofA that they don't care about graduating within four years, I think it's best to drop this course especially since the GPA difference will be 0.1 (huge!). Maybe check with UofC too to see how they think of not graduating within four years.

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