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McMaster Regional Campuses

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I received an OOP interview for McMaster, and am looking for insight into the regional campuses. I have not been to Ontario before, and don't have time before my interview to explore the campuses in Waterloo or Niagara/ St. Catharines. I have read all the supplied info on the campuses, but am looking for first hand opinions about the different learning facilities/sites/opportunities at the 3 locations. I'd appreciate any insight you can offer.

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I received an OOP interview for McMaster, and am looking for insight into the regional campuses. I have not been to Ontario before, and don't have time before my interview to explore the campuses in Waterloo or Niagara/ St. Catharines. I have read all the supplied info on the campuses, but am looking for first hand opinions about the different learning facilities/sites/opportunities at the 3 locations. I'd appreciate any insight you can offer.


I don't have any first hand experience but from what I've heard, the Niagara site tends to be more chill and has less of an academic feel to it. Same with Waterloo. The regional sites provide a more community feel to practice. In terms of learning opportunities, you may get to see more "zebra" type of cases if you were in Hamilton, as they would all get referred to Hamilton but you may get less hands on experience doing procedures etc ... due to the fact that there are lots of other residents/fellows who will get priority over you as a med student. Zebra cases are not really important at this stage in your career. I'd focus on getting the bread and butter stuff down first. Other issues that are important to factor include things like transportation. You'll need to have access to a car for the regional sites as you'll be commuting.

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One thing that really turned me off from the regional campus is having to commute to Hamilton campus for a period of time during pre-clerkship. Although I'm pretty sure I would pick one of the regional sites as my top preference, I'm still wondering if its possible to attend the Hamilton campus yet still do clerkship in either Niagara or Waterloo?

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I don't have any first hand experience but from what I've heard, the Niagara site tends to be more chill and has less of an academic feel to it. Same with Waterloo. The regional sites provide a more community feel to practice. In terms of learning opportunities, you may get to see more "zebra" type of cases if you were in Hamilton, as they would all get referred to Hamilton but you may get less hands on experience doing procedures etc ... due to the fact that there are lots of other residents/fellows who will get priority over you as a med student. Zebra cases are not really important at this stage in your career. I'd focus on getting the bread and butter stuff down first. Other issues that are important to factor include things like transportation. You'll need to have access to a car for the regional sites as you'll be commuting.

DubZteR, if you attend the Hamilton campus, does this negate the need for a car? Is transportation by public transport fairly easy around the city?


Also, if there is anyone currently in one of the regional programs that could comment on their experience, it would be much appreciated!

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