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i understand this is the wrong section but im in a bind, my patho exam is tommorrow and i lost my online notes for this class due to a system purge, luckily i have my hard notes so im fine in terms of the materiel its just the quiz answers.



IN a complete fracture

1. The fracture crosses or involves the entire width intactor thickness of the bone

2. More than 2 bone fragments are present

3. Separation of the ligament exists

4. The surface opposite the break is


The most common cause of osteomyelitis is

1. Rheumatoid disease

2. Direct contamination of an open wound

3. Deficiency of calcium

4. Dieficiency of vitamin D


Osteoporosis pathogenesis involves

1. Inadequate mineralization

2. Impaired synthesis of bone organic matrix

3. Alteration of the OPG/RANKL/RANK system

4. Formation of sclerotic bone


Rheumatoid arthritis

1. Inflammatory destruction of the synovial membrane

2. Inflammation of ligaments

3. Destruction of the articular cartilage

4. Softening of the articular cartilage





1. Expressed on osteoclasts

2. Necessary for osteoclast development

3. Suppressive of apoptosis

4. A glycoprotein that activates RANK


An osteosarcoma is a(n)


1. Collagenic, malignant tumor

2. Myelogenic, benign tumor

3. Osteogenic, malignant tumor

4. Chondrogenic, benign tumor


From the lumen, the layers of the GI tract are

1. Mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa

2. Submucosa, serosa, mucosa, muscularis

3. Muscularis, mucosa, submucosa, serosa

4. Serosa, submucosa, muscularis, mucosa


Which layer of the small intestine includes microvilli?

1. Submucosa

2. Mucosa

3. Muscularis

4. Serosa


Melena is

1. Bloody vomitus

2. Gaseous bowel distension

3. Black tarry stools

4. Blood in the stool


____ is not a common manifestation of hiatal hernia.

1. Gastroesophageal reflux

2. Reflux esophagitis

3. Belching

4. Postprandial substernal pain



1. Manifests as regurgitation of chyme

2. Has denervation of smooth muscle in the esophagus

3. Occurs in response to sedentary life-style

4. Results in esophageal sphincter relaxation


Gastroesophageal reflux is

1. Caused by rapid gastric emptying

2. Excessive lower esophageal sphincter function

3. Associated with abdominal surgery

4. Caused by the spontaneous relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter


Osmotic diarrhea is caused by

1. Non absorbable intestinal contents

2. Bacterial enterotoxins

3. Ulcerative colitis

4. Crohns’ disease



1. Is inflammation of diverticular outpouchings of mucosa through muscle layers of the colon

2. Is asymptomatic

3. Commonly involves the transverse colon

4. Is never painful


Peptic ulcers may be located in the

1. Stomach

2. Esophagus

3. Duodenum

4. All of the above are correct


The characteristic of Crohn disease is

1. Precancerous

2. Granulomatous

3. Malignant

4. Found in the rectum

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