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Hey all,


First time posting on this site but I thought I could help out some of the curious people who got rejected this year.

I had my phone interview with Dr. Sutton today regarding my rejection to Dal.


Here's what the average looked like for Nova Scotia students who were accepted:


13/15 for GPA (I had a 13 out of 15 and I think my GPA is around 3.87 if I converted it right...)


7/10 for MCAT (this corresponds to a 30 composite score)


32/40 for interview


25/35 for supplementary - note that this includes the essay and each of the five sections for 5 marks each


That totals to give an average of 77/100 for accepted students. My total score was just about 67 and I didn't make the waitlist.


Perhaps as people receive feedback they can post?

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do you know how they marked the mmis? meaning, were stations dropped or did they use all of them to make up the interview score?


I'm curious to know this too. 32/40 seems like a high average, even if it is the average for accepted students.

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This is great info, thank you very much for posting it! I will add my stats once I have my phone interview in April.



About the MMI, someone mentioned before that they may drop the highest and lowest scoring stations, bringing it down to 8 stations - and at 5 points each this makes sense.

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This is great info, thank you very much for posting it! I will add my stats once I have my phone interview in April.



About the MMI, someone mentioned before that they may drop the highest and lowest scoring stations, bringing it down to 8 stations - and at 5 points each this makes sense.


I heard this too. I think 4/5 average on the interview is a great achievement though, I hope next cycle brings happier news. Thanks for sharing the info too

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I seem to recall the stations being marked out of 20 - there were 4 sections that we were graded on (this coming from a friend doing the interviews this year). That score out of 20 could easily be divided by 4 into a score out of 5, and dropping the highest and lowest makes sense.


I wonder what the cutoff was for admission this year - despite being accepted, I would like to know what my scores were for everything (3.8 GPA, 33 MCAT is pretty easy to figure out... but the other categories are not as easy to figure out).

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I'm really curious to know those 4 categories.


I figured I shouldn't leave you hanging, so I did a bit of research. Go to this link: http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/mdprog/documents/Manual_for_Interviewers_2006.pdf and look at page 14. It gives a sample score sheet, which I would imagine is very similar to what Dal uses. There are 10 possible scores per section, making each station out of 40.


In summary, the 4 categories are:


1) Communication skills

2) Argument quality

3) Suitibility for a career in medicine

4) Overall performance on the station

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