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reference letters

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I think some schools at the US require at least 2 reference letters from your science professors (since we don't have a pre-health advisor committee). But in my school, most of our science courses have 700+ students and it's really hard to get in cotact with professors. Do you think if i just go to their office and show my resume+transcript etc and ask for a reference letter, they'll do it for me?


I'm sure it's not the best way to get a letter, but I'ver heard someone's done this before. Can someone help me with this approach?


Or does anyone have any other ideas that I can fulfill the reference letter requirement?


thanks a lot!! your help is greatly appreciated!

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I think some schools at the US require at least 2 reference letters from your science professors (since we don't have a pre-health advisor committee). But in my school, most of our science courses have 700+ students and it's really hard to get in cotact with professors. Do you think if i just go to their office and show my resume+transcript etc and ask for a reference letter, they'll do it for me?


I'm sure it's not the best way to get a letter, but I'ver heard someone's done this before. Can someone help me with this approach?


Or does anyone have any other ideas that I can fulfill the reference letter requirement?


thanks a lot!! your help is greatly appreciated!


I personally would NEVER do it! Most of the successful applicants use references that have known them for a LONG time. Just walking into a prof's office and showing your resume and transcript is not a good idea because they prof can't say anything more than whats already on your transcript and resume and these will already be made available on your application paper. So in the end the reference letter does not add any extra info to your application. I'd say the best way to do it is to volunteer for a prof then ask for reference letters.

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Some people do that, and some professors will write you a letter if you have high marks, participate in the class, or whatever, but the reference letter will be VERY subpar... it will be short, generic, and impersonal, unless you know them well


you said that US schools request two letters from science professors? that sounds pretty specific - requesting academic references makes more sense... anyways, usually most people will get to know a professor by either working in their lab, doing some kind of a project / independent study for them, or TA'ing for them... that way the professor will know you personally and the letter will be much stronger


however, if for whatever reason you have NO choice but to just approach random profs that teach courses you are in, i guess my advice would be to pick two that are nice/generous, that teach courses which you are ideally getting an A or A+ in, and to at least speak with them (after class / office hours) about whatever - class, science, grad school, world events... - before asking if they will write you a letter


i've seen students do it, but it always seemed kind of weird to me to ask for a ref letter from a prof that you don't know or barely know, who is essentially just going to comment on your grades, which are part of your application anyways

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