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New Evalution Process for Academics

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Kylamonkey - I love your new signature.


Finkler's statement to the Senate is almost laughable - particularly when you compare what he said to the Georgia Straight last year.


Yes. 8 months ago Finker was saying 'we want to gain greater socioeconomic diversity', and now the line is 'we can't comment on socioeconomic diversity because we don't collect that information from applicants'.


Anyways, there's a 10-yr rule thread ad there's this thread, they should probably be separate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just learned about the new application rules and I am extremely disappointed. I di really poorly in my first two years and was hoping that by getting desent marks in the last two years of my undergrad I could land an interview but now the minimum they would look at is the best 3 years...I dont realy know what to do? Should I do a second degree would that even help? Any sort of of advice would be greatly appreciated

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I just learned about the new application rules and I am extremely disappointed. I di really poorly in my first two years and was hoping that by getting desent marks in the last two years of my undergrad I could land an interview but now the minimum they would look at is the best 3 years...I dont realy know what to do? Should I do a second degree would that even help? Any sort of of advice would be greatly appreciated


It depends on what your grades are, what would your overall average be? If you think you may be able to land an interview try once and then decide if a masters or 2nd undergrad degree will be helpful. If your marks are close I think you stand more to gain from a masters (it will certainly help you post interview a lot more than a 2nd undergrad degree would). UBC seems to discourage doing a 2nd degree for admissions purposes (they state it in their FAQ and I was told by the lady in charge of academic scoring). A masters (provided it's something you're interested in and think you might enjoy) will help you a lot with the NAQ if you can get publications/awards whereas a 2nd undergrad may help a bit with AQ.

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My overal is 80% and my best 90 credits is only 82.5%. I am graduating this year and now I kind of regret it because if I had taken an extra year I could probably have raised my average a little bit more. I am going to work with a professor this summer doing research and if I find it enjoyable I might think about getting a masters. Also I had signed up for a distance ed course this summer, do you think it is even worth the time? as 3 credits probably wont change my overal average by more than .2% assuming I get an A+

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I would say with an 82.5% overall average (after the last 30 credits is dropped) you probably don't need another undergrad degree to bring up your average. Apply and see what happens, some applicants on here were able to get interviews with much lower grades but they all must have had very good NAQ scores (long term volunteering in leadership/coordinator type positions, working outside your comfort zone, significant sports/arts achievements). It really will depend on your NAQ. Look at some of the NAQ threads to get an idea of how the NAQ scores work. I think the best place for NAQ advice is their website, if you have some of the qualitites they are looking for in sports, arts, work, volunteer activities you'll probably get a decent score.

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starting this application cycle do you think they will look at last 60 credits for AQ calculation, or just overall and prereqs with weighting if it applies?


Last 60 is no longer a part of AQ calculations for upcoming application cycles. the full pre-interview calculation is still under review, but they will now be using overall (with dropped year) and possibly pre-req average.


Was this new evaluation criteria in effect for the 2010-2011 application cycle? Or will it come into effect starting with the 2011-2012 application cycle?


The new AQ calculation was not used for the 2010-2011 application. This is the first year for the new scheme.

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Does anyone here have any more information about this? Or an idea of when more information will be released? Thanks!


UBC hasn't said much about this and nobody has posted anything for a while but I expect something to come out soon. Unconfirmed rumors about the breakdown being something like 60% overall average, 20% MCAT, 20% prereqs are floating around but we really have no idea.

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