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Dental Interview Plus..

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I just read the first few pages, and the grammar, spelling and sentence structures are just horrible.. losing credibility fast.. Is this really good still? Should I be banking my most important interview on the writing of someone who can't even spell and did not even bother to check for spelling errors?

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I just read the first few pages, and the grammar, spelling and sentence structures are just horrible.. losing credibility fast.. Is this really good still? Should I be banking my most important interview on the writing of someone who can't even spell and did not even bother to check for spelling errors?


Don't waste your money... just my opinion. Those interview books are useless. The CDA questions are designed to give the panel an idea who YOU are. Spending rediculous amounts of time and money on those books won't help. They won't change who you are. I've posted a thread with sample interview questions... take some time to practice answering those so you have an idea what to expect, and you should be gold. If you're a genuine good person who understands the competencies, you should do just fine. On the other hand, if you're a straight up douche ... the books arent gonna help, haha.

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I agree with you that dental interview plus needs to cleanup their grammar and spelling but DON'T disregard its content!!! I bought it last month and used it religiously leading up to my interviews - I feel it made the difference for me - I think I aced them -recognized questions, used their prep structure - go retrieve it from your deleted box and use it - why don't you email them and tell them to clean it up? - but don't sacrifice your performance potential by disregarding it.

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I agree with you that dental interview plus needs to cleanup their grammar and spelling but DON'T disregard its content!!! I bought it last month and used it religiously leading up to my interviews - I feel it made the difference for me - I think I aced them -recognized questions, used their prep structure - go retrieve it from your deleted box and use it - why don't you email them and tell them to clean it up? - but don't sacrifice your performance potential by disregarding it.


That's another thing, who exactly is "they"? Who is the student that did this research? Why is "they" afraid to put a name behind the product? (well I know why, if I wrote this sh*t I wouldn't put my name on it either)

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I agree with Mr. Bubbles - while yes they can do a significantly better job at editing, you can't discount the quality of the content --- I used it both last year and this year (if only I found fixng my gpa as straightforward!) -- and aced the interviews last year at uwo (saw a glimpse of my "scores"), and I think this year at u of t. Perhaps it's study style, but I do well when given a very specific structure to follow and tons of work to hammer away at perfecting - the dental interview plus package gave me both - can't argue with results even if the package gets zero for style.

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