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When do you get August scores?

Guest Sandy

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Guest Sandy



Obviously, some schools require the MCAT and some don't, so what I'm asking is: Do you get your MCAT results in time so that you don't blindly apply to the schools that require a certain score on the MCAT? I don't really feel like spending the $$ applying to those schools if I don't have to (not to mention the time - writing essays and such).



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Guest aneliz

August scores appear VERY close to the OMSAS deadline... some years you get them a few days before (about a week before if you pay the extra to get your scores online)... some years you get them about 2 days after the deadline.


It is always a bit of guessing game (consider it an expensive lottery ticket) when you apply to a school that requires the MCAT but you don't have your scores back yet. It is up to you whether you feel confident enough about your scores to apply having not seen them... they will NOT give you your application $$ back if it turns out that you didn't meet the cut offs.

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Guest Steve U of T

I think OMSAS moved their deadline 2 weeks earlier specifically so that students will definitely not receive their August MCAT results before, which is a good idea. In years past, students received their scores a few days before the deadline, and waited until then to submit their application, causing lots of problems. You will have to apply blindly to any school whose deadline is earlier than the second week of October. You'll have to make an objective judgement of how well you think you can do, and apply to the appropriate schools.

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Guest Sandy

Thanks guys!


I think a better idea would have been to push back the deadline so that students have enough time to apply after they get their scores back, but if OMSAS can get more money out of poor students, why not, right? Figures. Well thanks for the info, I haven't yet decided what I'll do, but I guess that depends on how I feel about my performance on the MCAT.


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Guest nextstopmd

Hi Sandy,


From my experience, you really have a hard time judging how well you're going to do on your MCAT from the feeling that you have after leaving the test. Not only do the questions you think you get wrong stick in your mind much more than those that you got right, you'll really have no idea of how well it will all turn out, since your performance relative to everyone else is what will ultimately matter for your scores. I had no idea what my score would be whatsoever!


I'd apply to the schools I was interested in attending, and wait for your MCAT marks to come later. You'd hate to not apply to a certain school thinking that you did poorly on the test when in fact you did well.


Best of luck!

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Guest Sandy

Thanks Nextstopmd,


I see your point, and I will definitely consider that when deciding where to apply. Till then, study, study, study :(

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