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medical students: was med school worth it?

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A career in medicine comes with alot of sacrifices. Whether they are worth it or not is a very personal thing. Some will think yes, others no.


I think my advice for those considering medicine would be....if you think there is anything else in this world you would be happy doing, then do it. If not, and you think medicine is the only career for you, then go for it, it can be a rewarding career.

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This a hard question. It all depends on what you want to do in medicine. Every specialty is different, and many do not have much overlap with each other. Instead of asking whether medicine is worth it in general, you have to frame the question to ask if it is worth it to do medicine, and the near decade of training involved, to do X field at the end.


Personally I don't feel it was worth it. YMMV.

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This a hard question. It all depends on what you want to do in medicine. Every specialty is different, and many do not have much overlap with each other. Instead of asking whether medicine is worth it in general, you have to frame the question to ask if it is worth it to do medicine, and the near decade of training involved, to do X field at the end.


Personally I don't feel it was worth it. YMMV.


I'm curious blackjack (awesome name btw, I loved the show and manga) what parts of it made you feel that it wasn't worth it?

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Better to ask attendings. Med. students and residents are only part way through. I hope things would get better when you are done.


I didn't think there were any on here :P


I'm just a little worried about the hours I'd have to spend if I make it through and become a surgeon. The on-call emergencies just seem to be too much to me, it seems so fun and exciting now but later on down the road I'm a little worried that I just won't have the patience for it later. What about people with families, etc.


I know I want to do something in medicine, but now I'm just having doubts if surgery is the way to go.


Just thinkin ahead... :P

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I didn't think there were any on here :P


I'm just a little worried about the hours I'd have to spend if I make it through and become a surgeon. The on-call emergencies just seem to be too much to me, it seems so fun and exciting now but later on down the road I'm a little worried that I just won't have the patience for it later. What about people with families, etc.


I know I want to do something in medicine, but now I'm just having doubts if surgery is the way to go.


Just thinkin ahead... :P


If you know medicine is what you really want: get in first, figure out the details later.


Surgery is intense and something that most surgeons stress you shouldn't get into unless you absolutely love it. Can't imagine yourself doing any other medicine than surgery? Feel like the OR is a home away from home? If no then don't touch surgery with a ten-foot pole.

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If you know medicine is what you really want: get in first, figure out the details later.


Surgery is intense and something that most surgeons stress you shouldn't get into unless you absolutely love it. Can't imagine yourself doing any other medicine than surgery? Feel like the OR is a home away from home? If no then don't touch surgery with a ten-foot pole.


I guess that's true, I'll figure it out when I actually have more experience in the field.

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I didn't think there were any on here :P


I'm just a little worried about the hours I'd have to spend if I make it through and become a surgeon. The on-call emergencies just seem to be too much to me, it seems so fun and exciting now but later on down the road I'm a little worried that I just won't have the patience for it later. What about people with families, etc.


I know I want to do something in medicine, but now I'm just having doubts if surgery is the way to go.


Just thinkin ahead... :P


I have to tell you, I'm not a medical student but every Friday we have surgeons that are positioned at our teaching clinic and they are the FUNNIEST guys in the world! Always laughing, and joking with each other. The head of surgery here is phenomenal. Super polite. We have a head/neck/shoulder surgeon that comes here and I told him once my shoulder was hurting and he got me to twist it, and it made a slight popping noise (nothing serious) and he goes, "what are you doing next Tuesday?" I told him "well, I'll be working at the clinic," and he goes, "looks like I'm going to have to do a scan on your arm that day" and I go, "whaaaaaaaat?!?!"

Practical joke time... lol. But seriously, for what it's worth, the surgeons I have been around are awesome and definitely don't seem stressed. Maybe they're just good at hiding it, but I'd say keep your options open. Plenty of time to decide :)

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The surgeons I've met are awesome people too. Very down to earth.


Surgery definitely isn't for everyone though...one of my parents did 3 years in a specialized surgery (i.e. cardio, neuro, etc) program and then switched to another area. Apparently its long hours and exhausting, and if you are anything like me/my family and are mildly hyperactive, then it probably isn't the best option. Medicine is a huge world though so there's lots of options :)


haha well that's the thing, I'm hyperactive now.. 10/15 years? Maybe not.

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I have to tell you, I'm not a medical student but every Friday we have surgeons that are positioned at our teaching clinic and they are the FUNNIEST guys in the world! Always laughing, and joking with each other. The head of surgery here is phenomenal. Super polite. We have a head/neck/shoulder surgeon that comes here and I told him once my shoulder was hurting and he got me to twist it, and it made a slight popping noise (nothing serious) and he goes, "what are you doing next Tuesday?" I told him "well, I'll be working at the clinic," and he goes, "looks like I'm going to have to do a scan on your arm that day" and I go, "whaaaaaaaat?!?!"

Practical joke time... lol. But seriously, for what it's worth, the surgeons I have been around are awesome and definitely don't seem stressed. Maybe they're just good at hiding it, but I'd say keep your options open. Plenty of time to decide :)


Sounds so cute haha. where do you work??

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i agree completely!


A career in medicine comes with alot of sacrifices. Whether they are worth it or not is a very personal thing. Some will think yes, others no.


I think my advice for those considering medicine would be....if you think there is anything else in this world you would be happy doing, then do it. If not, and you think medicine is the only career for you, then go for it, it can be a rewarding career.

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Guest copacetic

medicine is something that will ask sacrifices of you from the minute you decide to pursue it to the minute you retire. asking whether or not it is worth it tomorrow, or yesterday is the wrong question. Rather ask wether it is worth it today.

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Semi-seriously: Between the hours of 2AM-6AM I almost always feel like it is not worth it. At other times my feelings about the whole thing changes often from "super great choice" to "wtf was I thinking". :rolleyes:


I don't feel that way during those hours unless I've already been asleep that night. The worst was going to a trauma code at 3am... and then to the OR where I was finished about 7:30. At least I got to go home after!


The middle of the night on call tends to be a bad time to be assessing life choices...

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Honestly, I can't think of a better job than putting broken people back together. It's awesome. The interaction you get with your patients and the impact you have on their lives is extremely unique and special.


The hours of a surgical trainee suck. They suck. If there's anything else you'd rather do, do it. This is not the case in all specialties, I just mention it because you mentioned surgery.

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Honestly, I can't think of a better job than putting broken people back together. It's awesome. The interaction you get with your patients and the impact you have on their lives is extremely unique and special.


The hours of a surgical trainee suck. They suck. If there's anything else you'd rather do, do it. This is not the case in all specialties, I just mention it because you mentioned surgery.


The post above yours just made it sound so exciting but how do you guys have any time for a social life in between all of that?

That's kind of what worries me

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The post above yours just made it sound so exciting but how do you guys have any time for a social life in between all of that?

That's kind of what worries me


It is what it is. It's not really for people interested in "balance", although that may change as work-hour restrictions increase. I tell med students rotating through that if they can picture themselves being just as happy doing something else then do something else. If you love it, you'll do it. For me it's worth 5 years of sacrifice and my wife agreed because she saw I loved it (she had signed up for the program when I wanted to be a family emerg doc and work 3-4 days a week - bit of a change).

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I think that it's hard to gage as students. I don't have a family now or anything of my own so my priorities are kind of different. I'm okay now...the long hours are fine as long as I'm not being reduced to 100% scut and not learning. If I'm learning and working with great people, I'm happy and working long hours doesn't really kill me or anything. But I don't know how that would change in the future.


But overall very rewarding and fun, worth it.

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